Gym Class

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"Jake?" My heart starts racing faster and faster afraid of what she'll say.

"Yeah, the one who works with me at Dairy Queen dumbass who else?" She giggles covering her mouth laughing at her own joke.

My heartbeat slows down slightly, me genuinely happy for the fact that I wasn't being cheated on a second time. Her cheeks were a fiery red, getting into a darker shade when each minute passes by. Free period was just about ending so we stand grabbing our bags since it was basically done; school I mean.

"Did you get any plans for what we're doing for an after prom party?" The question hangs in the air for a few minutes letting me think for a while. I never been to prom. This sort of stuff, planning most likely, was Caley's sort of thing. She dated and fucked enough guys to have an experience. Jake was a nice enough guy with sandy blond hair and the beachy smell and vibes radiating off him. We don't even have a beach here but Ner confessed that he also worked as a lifeguard. Looking this happy was a miracle for me and her, since we both have our problems right now. I was so happy for her.

"I'm going to prom with Jake, just to let you know." I shrug nonchalantly side glancing at her wide eyed expression.

"Jake? Like the fuckboy Jake?" I smack her arm, laughing explaining the whole melodramatic scenario at the park. From the beginning of when I got kicked out of the classroom, to the end of when he proposed. Not marriage proposing.

"I'm really happy for you Casey. And I don't know if I said this enough times but I'm sorry for not talking to you. My dad..." She said it with so much disgust like being her daughter was a huge mistake. I have so much sympathy for her now that I know what's really going on with her in her household.

"It's okay." I say flatly feeling uncomfortable dismissing the topic that instant. She saw the expression I was wearing so we talked more about prom.

"I think we should have a co-Ed sleepover. With our prom dates. We should invite Caley as well. You guys seriously have to kiss and make up already." She came back to her normal self goofing off and having that temper I loved about her Exocet that she was using it at me. She could seriously masterly sass someone within 3 minutes tops.

"Caley and I haven't talked in like 2 months and seriously I gave up already." It was true. We haven't talked ever since Noah was a baby. Now he can almost talk.

"Oh don't worry. She's your sister Case." That is what everybody said these days. She's your sister, you can't be mad at her forever. Well, I fuckin can when she wont even support me like a normal sister can. She's been at that god damn house for like 1-2 months already.
"I'll text you tomorrow so we can go shopping." That brought my blood sizzling with excitement. Who knows how long I've been to the bookstore. She also said something about prom shopping but I didn't really hear her. The bookstore.
"No this one looks good! Actually the blue one does." We were checking out the books lining the walls mounting all the way to the ceiling. The familiar air gets me high feeling my heart dilating by the minute I stand. Nerissa stands on the other side of the teen fiction section piling books in her bag. We brought at least 150 dollars for shopping. 50 for the books and 100 for the dress, shoes and makeup. I see the Hush,Hush series with the super cool covers so I get 2 books from the series finishing the collection on my bookshelf. Nerissa brought like 200 dollars so she keeps piling up books into her pile.

After checking out, we make our way to Starbucks talking about random shit before heading towards Nordstrom checking the perfect dress for Nerissa. While searching with my eyes peeled through the slutty short dresses, someone bumped into me knocking down my shades.

"Ouch." We brought said at the same time, but this person was defiantly male with the same husky sexy voice that I once loved.

Hey guys! You guys are awesome but you have full permission to run me over with a monster truck. I first, lost my phone for like a week but then I checked one of my pillows and it was there....? I was too lazy like normal teenagers are which is really bad because I'm watching Fresh Prince of Bel Air on Netflix and going to frat parties ( im kidding I'm only 14 ) and yeah I'm so sorry. Just keep your eyes peeled and stay tuned for the awkward meet with Pete at Nordstrom? Will he want her back? Just ignore her? Stay pumped and remember I love you guys to the moon and back. Thanks and cyber hug!
Fatima <4

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