Gym Class

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"Can we please go to your house? I don't want to be around those 2 lovebirds all night." I groaned.
"Come on, Case it's not that bad it's just one night!" Alexa whines. I have to admit, she looks like a child with her blond hair tied into a side ponytail with her pink shirt and the pair of purple shorts that I leant to her. To top that she wore her bunny slippers.

Now picture that. A kid right?

Pete has decided to join Caley for a sleepover but they're secretly going to share a room. They had this whole plan going on at dinner when mom went upstairs to rest. When Pete is downstairs on the couch and mom comes to check on us, specifically at 10:34 p.m., he'll pretend to sleep soundly but when mom leaves, he crawls out and tip toes into Cales' room. What a plan. I wish we could go to Lex's house. Her mom lets us stay up the entire night because she's cool like that. But the thing is Lex has 5 younger brothers. Yeah I know.
"You know I have the car keys right?"
"Uh-huh." She gives me a sly grin. Oh she did not hide my keys! Ugh, they were my only lifeline. Great.
"Can you please tell me where they are?" I give her one of my "im tired of this" looks. This will seem to do the trick, I mean it works every time. I stare deeply into her baby blue eyes. Alexa has freckles on her perfectly curved cheek bones and of course, who can forget about her dimples?
"Do you really think I'll give them to you?"
"Pleeaassee?" This is pointless. She'll never give them to me. I know her from the inside out. "Hey that reminds me, should I tell Pete about the hair incident and the picture?" It was about a decade back. I was so upset with her, for whatever reason and put instant hair removal shampoo in her shower that I found in her cupboard. She was bald when she came out sobbing and it took almost 2-3 years to grow back. Haha I laugh about that to this day.
"Oh hell no sista!" This time she got up grabbed a pillow from my bed and chucked it right in my face! Oh now she gets it. Well since I'm on crutches, not really.

"What's going on in here?" There he was, standing at the frame of my door grinning a toothy smile. How long has he been standing there? 20 minutes? An hour? I glance an overview of my room. Books knocked down on the floor and feathers bursts out of the pillows like they've been trying to escape for centuries.
"Nothing." Alexa stands up fixes her shirt and flattens out her hair. Like that will make the hair stay down.
"What do you want?" I cross my arms and do my awkward hops with my sticks till I reach over to Pete until I was about a foot away.
"Just checking on you." He stared down and it looked like he blushed a little. I smiled slightly at this. I heard Lex give out the obnoxious giggle I've ever heard. You blew your chances man, because if I had a crush on you, that giggle would have freaked the hell out of me!
"Alright, then." He walks out, enters Caley's room, and shuts the door. Without saying anything mean to me! Wow. That is the first time he's never insulted or threatened me! What if he likes-
"Casey?" I look behind me and see Alexa has the biggest smile on the planet. I smile to and she wriggles her eyebrows. I give out half a cough and laugh and smack her arm once I reach her.
"Go easy on me, my head hurts a little for you throwing that pillow at me." I use my 2 fingers and shut my eyes thinking it will ease the pain. It actually started hurting now. A lot. Eyes seeing things everywhere is going dark...
"Casey!!" She screamed until the room tilted and I fainted in her arms.

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