Chapter 5

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Mason. Sweet innocent Mason; my favourite out of all 5 of Alexa's brothers. Stopping dead with an imaginary phone in my hand since the real one dropped and cracked, I rush to pick it up but Pete does it for me. What a gentleman. "What happened? Are you okay?" He looks at me with a worried look eyes showing his concern. He doesn't really know Mason as much as I do so I just tell him that my friend is missing. Honestly it sounds pretty stupid but he understood. Swiftly, he kisses me on the cheek which made me smile and ran out the door promising him that I'll see him after. "Alexa are you at home?" She responds with a teary whisper saying that she was sick so that pretty much answers my question. Sitting in the cold seat of my car I slam on the wheel and start crying. My favourite little boy ever had gone missing and who knows where he went. When he was born, I usually took care of Mason when I came over. More than his mother actually. With six kids in the house it's pretty difficult even when Mason is the youngest and easiest to handle. As soon as I pull the brakes I ran toward the house and opened the door. "Lex?" I yell at the top of my lungs hearing my echoes, since their house it massive compared to mine. "Casey?" She appears all teary and her hair is a complete mess. I climb the stairs two at a time and shake her like a maniac. "Where are your other brothers?" She looked alarmed but leads me to her brothers' rooms. First I ask Kyle but he was busy doing schoolwork acting like everything was nonchalant. Kyle was a straight A student like me, and he was the second oldest. Him and Alexa are in quite a gap difference which is like what, 6 years? Next I head over to Kota's room which across his brother's room Harry. Kota acting all innocent shakes his head a million times approximately and then he shuts his door focusing on COD. All the brothers are exactly one year apart; all of them. Checking with the next two, Alex and George went in a blur. They have no idea but they seem so normal that their little brother is fucking God damn missing! The last of the boys is the kid I despise the most; Frederick. Frederick is a seven year old but acts way too mature for his age. He's a spolied brat actually compared to the other boys and compared to Alexa even! Walking into his room is like walking into my own apartment. Bathroom and walk in closet combined in one room. This seems like a two for one deal right now. Okay, Casey focus. "Hello freakinstein..." I drawl giving him my nasty looks and walk to sit in his super comfy chair. He's adopted but the rest aren't which is why he got the most awesome rooms in the house. His brown hair is swept all the way back with his sharp grey eyes stabbing me with imaginary needles. "What do you want, dork?" He stands with his weak little arms across his anorexic chest. He doesn't know what's going on? Well I'm about to show him with my fists. "Where's your brother, Mason?" I stare straight at him which made him feel slightly uncomfortable. "I don't know you retard!" That hurt even by a seven year old. Saying comebacks aren't that hard for him, but the truth is. "Did you do something?" My throat is sore from bawling and yelling from the morning. "He asked to play wizard and monsters with me but I said no; no biggie.." At this he does his stupid grins. Henready knows that Mason is super super sensitive. Like if a complete stranger walks up to him he bursts into waterworks. If I didn't hate him that much his smile would win a total huge amount of girls in his class. But I just stand there clenching my jaw and squeezing the edge of his desk. He demands for everything, well I'm going to do the same. "Who the fuck are you you little bi-" I startled rephrasing something that has nothing to do with swears because he will say them somewhere and then blame it on me. You know what? I'm fed up with this so I purposely shove him on the way out downstairs and into the cold. I don't care if it's -23 degrees Celsius precisely. "MASON!" I yell at the top of my lungs waiting to hear one of those cute adorable replies he comes up with. Before it hits me I know exactly where to go. The park! His window literally faces the park and sometimes when his brothers are in a fight, he sits out of the window waiting for my arrival to take him. Gasping for air and mentally complaining that running wasn't a good idea, I finally see a swing set come in sight. Man I'm so out of shape. Grabbing my side and coughing furiously, I see a head of blond hair and a pair of black boots. That's gotta be him. My heart pounds loudly I could hear it out in this weather. Walking in a fast motion, the slides come into view and same as the blonde near the tires. "Mason?" Please let that be him. As if my prayers have been accepted by God, the head spins and he smiles with the dimples on each side of his rose cheeks. "Casey!" Oh thank the heavens and Jesus for this. Running like an Oompa Loompa, with his chubby arms in the air the distance between us has vanished as I pull him in for a hug. Crying and coughing, I rummage around his blond hair and give him a cold kiss before picking him up and walking back to his house. His mom was no where in sight around the house so it's good we didn't do her any panic.
"Mason promise me to not do that ever again even if your brothers don't want to play with you." I give him a sad smile reassuringly that he'll understand. "Friends forever?" I hold out my pinkie for a good second before the smooth yet cold finger slides around mine, quite tightly. "Friends forever." He rests his small little head on my shoulder before I heard small even breathing. I never knew how he can manage to sleep in such cold weather. All of his brothers, well except Fred, have the same blonde hair and blue eyes. The thing different about Mason was his freckles lightly covering his cheekbones. What a relief that I actually found this kid. As I walk onto the driveway a familiar car drive past me and into my driveway. A muscular arm reaches out on the top of his car and stands up patting the non existent dirt on his shirt. Pete. I don't know if it's been an hour or even two but I can't talk to him like this. Probably the popular people expect like highly qualified dressed up people. Breaking into a run I quickly and quietly slam the door shut and walk up the stairs. "Mason!" Lex comes screaming and running after spotting me opening the door. Her and my favourite little boy are extremely close together by the way because since he's the only one who accepts her. Her mom doesn't even pay that much attention to her apparently. One time since Alexa can't drive, "mom" forgot all about her until the next day. She had to literally sleep on a whole pile of books while her jerk boyfriend just left her. Still weeping into his wavy blonde hair she pulls apart and thanks me by pulling me in for a very, very tight and yet comforting hug. I let go after a good 5 min and thank her for calling me. "Don't be stupid Case we both know that I'll call you if anything happens to Mason." I smile ever so gently and tell her that we should go shopping for a costume very soon. Closing her main door giving one last glance I rest my head on the door sighing with relief. It felt weight lifting that I saved Mason, met Caley to her comfort, and finally stepping out of my comfort by starting a relationship. Caley and my mama don't even know about this but they will since he's pretty loud and bubbly. I like him that way. "Well, hello there my dear." I walk on the driveway and spot my, I guess, boyfriend? Standing there like a goof smiling and intertwining his both hands in front of him and legs wide apart, but not too wide if you know what I mean. "Hey, Pete." I stand there grinning like an idiot as well and awkwardly kicking the snow with my shoes. Sadly the bunny slippers were sent to its rightful owner but don't worry, I'll get them back sooner or later. Wind blowing rapidly and blowing strands of hair I try so hard to pull them and tuck it behind my ear. Sadly it never worked out. It's getting pretty cold so I start to move toward my house which obviously is across the street. Walking on the road was so normal for me but not for Pete. He kept moving faster afraid that a car might run us over and kill us with our organs splattering everywhere on the soft fluffy snow. Like my exaggeration? You'll get used to it, don't worry. I lace my fingers through his and it seems to calm him down a little. "Mom! I'm home!" I screech and Pete laughs at this. The flashback roams through my mind of when he announced he was going to sleepover. Ah, good memories yet bad. "What's going on here?" Caley appears surprisingly from the couch and I'm so terrified I'll pee my pants. I never told her and she thought of how mean he was to her. She started crying for God's sake. She was crying and I was agreeing with her and now I've got her guy. Oh my. She looks at me with a pointed look and pretty much I've wet my pants I think.

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