Gym Class

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I clench my fists harder and harder each minute while staring dead into her evil cold eyes. Melissa sneers shoving me in the shoulder blade while I stare at a wall dumbfounded. All the guests were giving me dirty looks but I can't get the guilt out of my stomach for fingering Pete about dumping me I mean I should because he was planning it for someone else. Lex focuses her glare at me with suspicion roaming around her sleek blue eyes. Watching Melissa dissolving back into the crowd, I see Pete standing at the foot of the stairs crossing his arms fixing his jaw but never tearing his eyes off me. Stephanie has the identical confusion and worry swallowing her, shifting her weight from one foot to the other every once in a while. Cal just seems like the cheerful one in the room which brings a smile brought on my face. She stares at the belly chatting with it like the baby is already out while Melissa roars with laughter slapping her friend to stop to whatever she's blabbing about. I avert my eyes away when I see them spotting me, Melissa in particular. Walking around, I'm trying to rephrase words in my busy head fitting other words with others thinking of a way to apologize. I breath in and out taking slow and even steps but all I see is happiness filling his face with his skin crinkling at the corners of his eyes when he sees me struggling. "Your forehead creases whenever you freak out but that looks adorable on you." Pete used to say at school while I bring myself, stumbling with my combination on my devilish lock. I grin back only giving a small little wave with my right hand with my left unavailable with a stupid sticky note that caused all this drama. He responds back only giving me instructional motions with his hand to come upstairs. I nod agreeing and make my way. Finally a peace from the madness and a chance to make another apologize to another person. Feeling the wind prickling my skin I see little goosebumps crawling up and down my arm sending me to go shivering. Dad had forgotten to close his guest window because he's passed out on the bed with bottles at his feet. I shake my head excusing myself from Pete and shutting the window down. Quietly closing the door when we make it into my room, "Hey beautiful." He shoots me a lazy smile flopping onto the bed bringing my hand with him. "Don't you have anything else to do but compliment me?" I joke raising an eyebrow completely forgetting I was in hear bawling my eyes out a few hours ago. He taps his chin, thinking which brings me to smile, "No not really..." I laugh chucking a pillow in his direction making him whimper like a 2 year old until I get back on my inner serious side. Well, outside too. "Pete I'm sorry I was being a total bitch and for ruining the night. Thanks for not writing that for me." His direction was just plain simplicity and sympathetic. "It's okay. I being your king, have come forth to forgiving you in my pleasure." He creates a French accent which he was terrible at but, I let it slide. I would've whacked him but I was too joyful doing a little fist pump in the air accomplishing my well, accomplishment. He brings my his hand slithering up until he grips my elbow and uses his other hand to bring an arm around my waist. The kiss was so delicate that I couldn't really feel it but it brought me to grin and kiss him more. He combs through my hair letting go of my elbow which felt better since it aches for him gripping it harder and harder. We go like this for several minutes but felt like an eternity. We pull away opening our eyes grinning like idiots. "I can't believe I'm telling you this now but..." He drawls while I nestle my head against his shoulder kissing his cheek. "What is it?" I question looking into his beautiful eyes. Oh god please I have to stop saying that! "Will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend and going on a date?" He asks two questions but I answer the second one just making the area less tensioned. "I would love to." Was all I said because I was above the level of happiness churning inside me while the butterflies kick in. He seemed to catch the contagiousness of my happiness because he unlatched one arm from behind his head and tilted my chin towards him for a kiss. But that's not what happened. He grabbed me from both of his arms and pulled me over him until I was on the ground literally on my ass! I swore under my breath trying to repay but hell he was so incredibly strong. "Maybe next time, asscrown!" I retort smacking him well enough to last a two week bruise. He whimpers yet again shoving me playfully throwing me to the hard ground again. "How dare you hurt me!" He questions mockingly with a glitter of childish amusement in his eyes. "Oh go fuck a tree Honey Boo-Boo." I stand wiping the dust which covered my dress and walk towards the door with a tug of a smile. I check the clock which startled me making me check my home screen twice. 2:30 in the morning. The party has lasted for like what 81/2 hours? He looks concerned but I shake it off planting a kiss on his cheek whispering a goodbye, in a dramatically playful tone. "Oh no I'm coming down you little princess." Winking he interlocks his hands with mine making my legs so shaky. As I plead for Cal and for Lexi to get in the car, I catch a glance in Melissa's direction grinning scoundrelly winking seeing her jaw drop searching for his face but point for me, he doesn't even recognize her at this point. "All right I'll text you where to meet tomorrow aight?" He smiles again leaning against the doorframe even though this was technically my house not his but I nod my head in positive agreement. "Hope you'll actually show tomorrow asscrown." I wave running down the driveway before he could reach for my hand to probably tackle me to death. I catch up to my girls lacing our fingers hand in hand grinning asking how their night was. "The decorations were all the reason of why I came to be honest." Lex asserts clapping her hands together which brings both our heads to expect Cal to at least say something about the party. Luckily she did, "God! It was better than last year! Dad sadly passed out on the bed which made me to throw the blood from the guest room." She gave out a short laugh which leaves me mortified. What if she had been medalling and eavesdropping on our conversation. I was though was too happy so we drove in about 15 min tops.

We snuck Alexa back from her window making sure her mom won't here and said our goodbyes quietly. I saw Mason sleeping soundly in his race car bedding with a hot wheels plush tucked under his neck. "Try not to screw anything up with trampling on the bushes or something." I heard a fit of giggles and I laugh along quietly too. We walk back making no sound until we run down the road laughing our asses off, Caley and I. "That felt secretive." Caley claps her hands together until I have to slap her out of it. Walking inside I silently pray hoping mom had fell asleep after taking her diabetes meds the lights were all closed. God answering my prayers I heard a slight sound of thin snoring roaming around the hallway with echoes until I closed my door saying night to Cal. I strip off my sticky bloody costume along with removing my makeup I crawl into bed playing my favourite classical song, Ain't No Mountain High Enough with also my Doctor Who pyjamas which Cal had bought for me during the Christmas time last year. I take a hold of my golden heart locket which was obviously secured around my neck and kissed it goodnight. The words roamed through my mind until I gave up another day by drifting to sleep, Would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?

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