I walk over around the bright room staring dumbfounded at everybody who decided to come; Caley and Mom excluding Pete. I couldn't spot any of Melissa's parents because oh, yeah. They died when she was in second grade as Caley told me crying one day from a car accident. She was taken care by her grandparents but they mostly ignored her sadly. Melissa sat in her bed sitting up holding a cute little boy with a blue blanket wrapped around him beaming with happiness which was rare. I forgot that she actually was harsh with me because for the first time, literally, she actually accepted my presence rather than snickering making some mean joke. Needles and some sort of bandages were lined up on her hand which looked quite painful but I was glad she survived. Smiling back with a response, I trot over to see the little infant cradled in his mother's arms. "Casey, I'm glad you're here." Is all she said which brought me to tears. Caley stands up waking over to her best friend holding her hand smiling at me too. To be honest, Melissa was far more feisty than usual when she was expecting but maybe I just found out that you are when you're pregnant. "You want to hold him or are you going to be standing there thinking all day?" Melissa teased heartily which brought me to laugh nervously positioning my arms. As the warm feeling of a soft blanket contacted my arms I instantly fell in love with the little boy. His little hat sagging down covering his eyes which made me tentatively pull them up trying not to waken him from his nap. The nose, chubby cheeks, and lips I fell in love with, staring at him with awe. "Welcome to the world, Noah." I never thought I'd do this to my enemy's son, but I kissed him right on the forehead stroking his cheek before I handed him back to his mother who was on the verge of tears as well since her eyes looked glassy. "You guys are making me cry, shit." She wipes her eyes drying them while Pete comes and takes her other hand. "Mel I have to go okay?" Pete kisses her forehead which didn't bother me at all since they were only best friends. "Okay. I'll text you later." She stares at him talking but not talking if you know what I mean. "Come on Case let's get you home. Studying?" Teasing, Pete intertwined his hand into mine but I stopped him, "Can I stay here? Mom is here as well so I'll just go with them." I said in a matter of fact glancing at my mom who gave Pete a cute little wave. He smiled, "Alright take care of yourself, I love you." I was shocked by his response but instead of saying I love you back like a normal person would, "You're an idiot." He only grinned, "You love me anyways." With that before I could protest, he was off trailing the loud pitter pattering behind him, shutting the door. I turn seeing Caley giggling along with oohing which made Melissa laugh as well. Since everybody was in a happy mood, surprisingly Melissa, I giggled trying to act somewhat serious, "Wipe those smiles off your faces! We only came here for Melissa!" Everybody then listens, paying their attention back to the most adorable baby, Noah. My mom started to pick her serious tone because Mel bursted into waterworks; happy waterworks. "Honey you're parents would've been very happy. Even though you're a teen mom now, they'd support you until your last breath. Remember you are like a daughter to me." Mom then wiped some tears then carried the cute little bundle of blue. "If you don't mind, but I want to talk to Casey, alone." Melissa put emphasis on my name which made me shudder at the thought that she'll murder me with her own hands. She tried it back in fifth grade. Once everybody had left the room to our silence since the baby had still been asleep, she broke it, "I'm sorry." I'm sorry? For what? Cocking an eyebrow suspiciously, I ask her with my eyes for what she is talking about. She then adds on to her sentence, "for everything." I'm so shocked I can't even speak if I tried to. I've been standing in my exact same spot which started to scare her a little by the expression that was made. "Casey are you alright?" Nodding my head I bring the courage back to respond, "Is this why you wanted to talk with me? Just apologizing for everything since childhood just because you are in a happy mood? Look, I'm not upset but you should've said sorry a long time ago. Congrats on your baby, Melissa I have to go." With that I started to make my way out of the room which I saw turned slightly dark because of the sunset. "Casey wait!" I stopped in my tracks looking into a pair of grey eyes. "What?" Sounding quite harsh, I tone it down a little so that her happiness is vanished but filled with fury. "Look I know you should be fucking pissed at me which you should but please, let me tell you everything." With that she started.
Hey guys! Sorry I should post everyday since you guys brought me to 1.63k! Shit god I love you guys so fricken much like I'm almost, well not quite, to my 2k reads! You guys should defiantly vote, comment and read! So what do you think Melissa is going to say to Casey? Are they ever going to be friends in the future? Read my previous updates so yeah peace out and enjoy life! Cyber hug!
-Fatima <4 ( divergent reference )

Gym Class
Teen FictionCasey is the total opposite of her twin sister Caley. Caley wants to be ''let loose'' and have fun but Casey is totally focused on her studying because it's her last year at Wellington High School. Casey figures that people aren't as nice as they...