Gym Class

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As we walk down the crowded hall he intertwined his muscular big hand to my limp dead cold hand. I guess it made me feel a tiny bit better because his hand was so warm! What if Alexa is spying on me? With her mischievous grin that gets me all the time, I let out a short laugh. Pete looks at me confused but he shook his head grinning looking back at the massive crowd. As we walk, I saw half of the girls gawking like onlookers staring at a celebrity like Kanye West or something. Sadly, the other huge half were staring me down with their sharp manicured hands ready to throttle me any second. Me not being the crowd lover I withdraw my hand from him and just cross my arms over my chest. This is just way too awkward. Pete stops and I wonder.
"What do you think you're doing my dear?" He flashes me a smile not completely surprised that he just called me dear. Who says that? As soon as I stare of into a distance his grin evaporates into a stone face and concern. Turning around and facing the crowd he grins and pulls me in for a hug. I will have to put down a set of rules for him to follow because one, I do not like hugs unless they are my true family and friends. Second, I hate the public. My life has totally changed. "Don't worry about them, because they are just jealous of seeing a super hot lady." He winks and keeps shuffling with his black converse accepting and absorbing the attention he's getting. Now I'm thinking second thoughts. Okay, he had been making out with my sister just to impress me and I'm still amused by this but make me jealous. My dark wash jeans feeling totally "uncomfortable" at the moment I rush to the nearest bathroom and hide into it. Who knows how many girls he's done this with? This is probably one of his signature stuff and I bet 2 dollars that he has a script sitting lonely in his locker. He's a nice guy and all even though I despised him before, but I don't know how he acts out of the fame he absorbs at school. Thinking about what happened this morning, I unclasp the golden necklace which was hanging around my neck. Shaped as a heart with gold trimming around, it opened of a picture of me and my stepdad. Someday, if I see him again privately- highly doubt it since he's always around people showing his bubbly self- I would need to tell him. It was a gift from him on my and Caley's sweet 16th when nobody showed up and while staring at it, I always thought it kept me secure. Caley has the exact same one, but it felt like it was especially gifted to me since we were so close. My sister thought that sharing a birthday in the same place was absolutely no fun. Instead her and her popular crew had it celebrated in Melissa's house. Breathing heavily I shut my eyes and kiss it goodbye then hiding it under my sweater. Pulling on the handle I come across my arch enemy also know as Melissa. What a coincidence, I was just thinking about her. Grunting mentally, I slide passed her showing her a fake smile which I honestly tried hard to do, and earned a side comment which was translated to be, dork. Her belly was already swollen and on top of that, she wore a super tight tank top and short booty shorts. That poor alien fetus also known as the child of that witch. Being discouraged as always whenever I even spot her, I walk out with my hair covering my face like a veil protecting my face covered with tears. She used to bully me in the sixth grade while Caley just sat there looking at me with sympathy showing that she couldn't stop it. I cried into my pillow every night until I fell asleep. Sleeping to the sound of mom and dad arguing but his words were always slurred when he came home late at night as well. Quietly sighing in relief because Pete wasn't there to see me crying, I text him saying I will see him after school. Gym was going to start any minute so it wasn't like those dramatic goodbyes when a gooey couple part ways. Walking to my locker alone, I see Pete flashing a toothy grin looking happier than usual. To be honest I couldn't really tell if he's sad or not because he smiles a lot. Me on the other had a total opposite. I am the type of person who only smiles and makes out with her books. Probably shouldn't have told you that. "Hey sorry I left you alone." I rub my arm and keep a pretty far distance from him not showing that we're apparently dating. Twisting the lock multiple times, I huff and punch my locker while he stares at me with a childish amusement in his eyes. At the lunching it actually opens. Skill. Feeling uncomfortable under his gaze from his beautiful brown eyes, my phone rings to the song of Dora. Popularity level down the drain. Everybody gazes in my direction and blushing with embarrassment, Alexa's on the other line. Wasn't she in school?
"Yeah what's up?" I hear a tremble and her bursting into hard core tears. Even though I can't see her, she's probably tearing some pieces of hair out like she always does when she's angry.
"It's Mason! He's missing!" I drop the phone and heard a crack. My favourite little boy is missing. Shit.

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