Gym Class

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"Hey, just wanted to let you know I'm here."
"Please can you hear me? Blink twice if you can."
More silence.
"Dude I can't do this anymore...wake up!" My heart starting beating faster and my hands felt like I placed them in a bowl of sweat.

Alexa stayed motionless in her bed sleeping away with no dreams or nightmares filling her head.

Prom was today. Today was the day wear my best friend would be yelling into the phone about how great this day will be. The only thing that's keeping her alive is her breathing. Those slow steady breaths from her nose show how calm she is in her bed.

Everyday I walk motionless to the desk when visiting hours begin. Everyday there is the same cranky lady not daring to looking at me. Everyday, I walk through the quiet hallway with the smell of death. Everyday, I cry begging her to wake up but I know it's hopeless.

I stand with the same slouching stance, kiss her goodbye on her bald head, and walk out with my tear stained face. The weather was perfect as usual like all the chick flick movies when prom takes place. My heart was ripped open when the doctors said that her improvement wasn't existent anymore.

The car was he from the seats, so I crank down the windows allowing the fresh polluted breeze dance around. Driving to Nerissa's always got me nauseous even though I've seen her dad sleep in the couch with multiple bottles of alcohol beside him. The old rickety house comes into view as I turn my music down low and pull up the windows.

I went to my SATs in the morning with this ridiculous outfit Caley made me wear. A pair of black skinny jeans, a red skin tight tank, and a "sexy" black leather jacket. I groan with the uncomfortable feeling churning inside when I approach her doorstep.

Nerissa opens it a minute or two later with a big smile on her face showing her toothy smile.
"Hey come on!" She almost squeals revealing a sleeping dad on the couch with like I said multiple of bottles beside him.

As I enter her room feeling jealousy creep up around my stomach with the amount of books she payed for, the room is clean for once.

Her beautiful teal dress with silver stilettos rests on the chair in front of her vanity. As we start to get ready quickly since it had reached 5:30, I do my own makeup.

It was quite simple, with a touch of lipgloss, mascara and eyeliner. Of course Nerissa stepped her way behind me.

"Sweetie, you're not going out of the house like that." She put emphasis on "that" with her face smushed into a disgusted expression.

"Well, what's wrong with my makeup?" I then look in the mirror and see myself and just simplicity reflecting back. I wanted to look like someone who hasn't put a lot of effort trying to impress any sort of guy. Just me being myself. Shit, this sounds cheesy; what's gone into me, have I watched one too many chick flicks?

"Everything! At least put some blush!" Exasperated, she turns me around to face her and starts putting different makeup products on me. I don't argue because I know she's going to win, of course. About 10 minutes later, she reveals to what she has done.

Not bad for a girl with thousands of books to keep her company. She added just a touch of blush hinting on the sides of my temples and cream eyeshadow that brings out the vibrant colour of my eyes. I laugh giving her a weak thumbs up. As I stand she moves aside grabbing her dress I think to go and change. With my hair hung just loosely over my shoulders naturally, I go to the car to grab my dress.
"So will you tell me again how you banged your nose?" Jake questions me with an answer of groaning. On the way out, absentmindedly, I hit my head on the door and that caused a bad nose bleed.

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