The moment I open my eyes, it's pitch dark. Of course it's dark as I can tell by the stars outside in the night glowing contrasting to the dark ink. Sitting up, my body is totally sore rubbing my neck and regretting to sit in such an uncomfortable position. I look around noticing I'm still sitting in the car. Why on Earth would Caley leave me in the car? That's just cruel. Grabbing my phone, it's dead murmuring not so pleasant things under my breath. I open the door brushing off the piece of hair stuck to my forehead still with a bruise on it. Strutting towards the house I turn staring at Alex's house still hurt she never told me anything about her sickness but if I was in her shoes, I'd been the same. The lights were closed, wondering still why would somebody would be so cruel leaving me in a car? The fridge had a little pink paper stuck to it so I pull it off, reading it,
Hey honey! Gone on a business trip for a week. Be back soon. :) Love- Mom.
I sigh crumpling the sticky note throwing it away in the trash. Heading towards the bathroom upstairs, I strip out of my clothes heading into the shower. Rubbing my head from soreness, I grab my shampoo massaging it into my scalp when I heard a door open. "This bathroom is occupied!" I scream letting the person know and then I heard the door close, me sighing in relief. I step onto the drying mat crept out that someone had already left me a pair of a clean bra and underwear. Probably Caley since she was pulling a prank or something leaving me in the car. We are blood related, since birth of course, but we never ever dug into each other's undergarments, ever. We both thought that we keep our distances for privacy, which I completely agreed on. She even made me sign a contract. Once covering myself with a cute Adventure Time pyjama shirt and blue cotton shorts, I head out breathing in the cold air since I was stuck in moist warm air in the bathroom. Knocking on Caley's door, she doesn't answer, so I head in shocked to see that she's missing. Her drawers opened widely with her makeup on the floor smudging the carpet. "Shit." I lean down to pick up the mascara and liquid eyeliner but I hear a creak which makes the tiny hairs on my back stick up like needles prickling. The attic door was open. I phone Caley grabbing it from the waistband of my shorts terrified on where she was at this time of night. "Happy llama, sad llama, mentally disturbed llama..." Her ringtone that I installed into her phone sang loudly in the very corner of her room which made my hands tremble. If Caley's phone was here, where was she? Caley never forgot her phone even if she was in a rush to go to school. The song keeps playing until I end the call since it went straight to voicemail. Shrugging off the horrible consequences that could go wrong, I think aloud on how I'll murder her when she skips on home. Going to my room, I decided to do the thing I've never really been doing. You're probably thinking that I'll be doing studying but no not this time. Crawling down under my bed, I grab my bulky rachette scrap book. The cover had little dazzling jewels and other crap glued to it covering the boring beige colour under. Pictures of my family, my friends and random adventures towards the park. Flipping through our old selfs at Dad's annual Halloween party looking cheerfully, arms around each other. Our birthdays with the Christmas tree in the background along with devious snaps of mom and dad cuddling on the sofa. Gamma and Gampa smiling holding onto each other like a decent old couple dressed in clothes I never see in stores these days. They both died tragically last year both from heart failure at the same time. Their tombs are side by side, which I thought was touching. More pictures of us at the water park, with glitter glued on the clear plastic. Me being me, I always got 3D stickers to stick on the photos to make them less memorable but more funny. Once I closed the scrapbook, something slid out and I picked it up half expecting me and Caley or something treasuring. This picture made me feel like I was about to puke but cry at the same time. There it was, my mother dressed beautifully in her white laced gown which touched the ground, behind her a long trail of the veil following her from behind. My real biological father looking sharp in his black suit with a bow tie smiling heartily as if he made the best decision known to man kind. They looked cute together his black hair with her brown. I take a moment closing my eyes just hugging the picture hoping it would give me back my father. The funny, artsy, caring, relaxed father I've never met, holding on to those blissful memories I could've shared but didn't. The world can't give you anything you want, sometimes you have to deal with things that don't go your way. Sad to think he and my mother could've stayed together rather than a separation like with my stepfather. I dig into my closet finding the perfect sonic blue frame and framing the picture on my wall next to my Harvard collage. The two things I'd want to meet sometime in my life; or heaven. Caley is really starting to freak me out now. Where the hell could she be at 8:39 p.m.? What the hell Casey, it's a Friday! She's probably partying as usual or visiting Melissa. I really need to see her, apologize. At a perfect timing, my phone rings with the sponge bob theme, answering before it could finish. "Hello?" Wondering who would be calling me at this time. "Case Face?" There is only one person on this whole face of the Earth who calls me that. Well actually two people. "Melissa?" I was dumbfounded on how she got my number in the first place since we had a rivalry thing going on. "Bullshit who on earth calls you that besides your dad?" She did have a point. "What do you want?" The house was starting to creep me out since all the lights were still off and everything silent. "Okay you're probably going to freak but do you want to I don't know hang out?" I was freaking out. "We spent 10 years together and now you're crawling to your nerd who did your homework everyday in elementary?" I wait for her response but after a good 78 milliseconds, "Come on I just got out of labour pushing a fucking baby out of my vagina can you give a needy woman a break?" Her response made me laugh so hard I fell on the ground, literally dying. Her laughing at the joke as well not containing the laughter, makes the whole situation of being home alone not scary as hell. "Alright come over at my house. How's Noah?" I ask about the cute little newborn because honestly he's the second cutest thing I've seen. Mason is always first. "He's going good. Alright Caley is asking for more milk for the baby so I'll see you later Case Face." Before I can retort some cute nickname of hers since elementary she hung up leaving me sighing with relief. Where else would she go? Melissa lives one block away so she probably walked there since the car is still there on the driveway. My hair is practically dry now so I braid it to the side of my head before pulling the covers towards my chin and shutting my eyes. The only thing that was nagging me in my brain was Nerissa. Should have I really been that harsh at her reaction? What if she really was telling me the truth though? No I was happily going out with Pete, with Caley not minding. Alexa must be sleeping now but she had a quick power nap me assuming from the lack of sleep she's been getting. I'd have to plan a quick visit tomorrow and then off to Melissa's. Tomorrow is going to be a long day, fixing everything.

Gym Class
Teen FictionCasey is the total opposite of her twin sister Caley. Caley wants to be ''let loose'' and have fun but Casey is totally focused on her studying because it's her last year at Wellington High School. Casey figures that people aren't as nice as they...