Gym Class

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His brown eyes staring back at me pretending to not know who I am. His breath, so uneven blowing the loose strands out of my face. I stand back staring at him feeling like the minutes passing by are full days.
"What?" He finally breaks the silence awakening me to reality. We stood face to face, inches away, from each other in the middle of the dresses section.
"Nothing." Feeling awkward around him really wasn't how I was, I usually would make a stupid retort and lecture him about scaring me. Pete snickered probably guessing on what I was thinking about. At the perfect timing, the girl he loved comes around him hugging his waist and plopping a kiss on the cheek dangling him to me on purpose. My mom always said that do not show expressions on your face, they'll take advantage over you if you don't.
I kept my face solid staring with blank eyes then.
"Melissa." I reply showing a hint of disgust in my voice.
"Casey." She does the same. Then a few minutes of staring, she broke it,
"How ya been? I seen that you have completely lost interest in my baby since you never visit him anymore. Your sister is a good one though, at least she visits." Inside my head, I was fingering her and yelling that I loved your baby but now you 2 came along. I said that I'd be happy to visit if you actually allowed me in. Us ladies kept arguing in a tranquil but angered time since we didn't want to bring attention. Her grey eyes showed a hint of hurt, but then concealed it with deviousness.
"Well, your sister doesn't want to see you, that is."
"What do you mean?"
"She's not coming to prom." She giggles which I don't even find the slightest bit funny but I try my best to keep myself together. That didn't last long.
"Um, Casey?" I turn looking at a confused and hurt Nerissa with a beautiful strapless teal dress hitting the ground with a flowy touch. Pete looks surprised, almost a ghost of a smile but then leaving it with a scowl looking back at me.
"See she's the only person you got, who is standing your stubbornness."
"Fuck off Pete okay? You did some nasty shit which totally burned me inside just so you can pull a grudge and hate me forever, but unlike you fuckers, I want to live a cheerful life with my best friend, go to prom with my date and forget. Goodbye bitches and oh, say to Caley that she can meet me whenever she likes." With that, I turned on my heel and left the couple staring with their jaws hitting the ground, astonished. Served them right, those asses. My best friend twirls around giggling, congratulating me on my confident approach.
"How's Alexa doing? She okay?" Her eyebrows arched in question with me answering that she was still in coma. That brought my mood down again. My one and only twin was snatched away from me, not even helping ease the pain, my child hood sister is stuck sleeping for at least 3 weeks and mom is sitting at home crying over the fact of everything I told her.
Yes, I told her everything.
The way she responded was her silent in the beginning, then sobbing hugging me even though I felt normal then. It seems like she was the one being dumped by, not me. The way the playful deviousness shown in his eyes weren't always there, I just cracked the surface into who he really was before he acted this way. Will anything go right? Jake texted me that he wanted to hang out before prom and everything, just to talk about "the stars and reality" whatever that meant. The dress fitted her well enough that we purchased it along with stunning nude heels which suited and fitted her as well.
Walking out and seeing the beautiful sunset made me realize that there was going to be a good, and once it comes, it'll make a great impact on my life.
"Beeeeeppp, Beeeeeepppp, Beeeepppp!"
My groggy eyes open in the middle of the night confused on why my alarm would go off this early. This felt like déjà u with Pete standing there with red paint smeared across his cheek.
"You know, I hate to make dramatic entrances, but Melissa and Pete told me to meet you whenever you want so here I am." She was there, standing with her normal sleeping clothes and side braid she always use to make before going to sleep. Caley stands a few feet from my bed grinning, hoisting me up.
"Why are you here? I already got over it if that's what you came here for." She looked angry for only a second but then it was masked with a malicious grin. It's like those 2 taught her how to smile this way.
"Okay, okay. This is what happened. Once upon a time..." I groaned letting her laugh for a few seconds before coming back to focus.
"Okay I stayed there because they forced me to. I would've come back but Melissa always had things for me to do around the house." That's it? I stalk across the room and switch on the lights which pinch my eyes a little waiting a minute for them to adjust. I take a good look at her. The picture was completely horrifying.
Her left eye was swelled up with the colour purple and blue smudged underneath. Her arms were marked with red and feet dry and boney. She lost weight, the clothes growing loose around her fragile thin frame of the body.
"What the fuck happened?" She smiled tightly and said something that literally made me suffer.
"Pete is not as nice as he seems."

Hey guys! You can kill me. I give you full permission. But hey, I'm almost To my goal of 3,000 reads! I'm so excited and the reason of why I didn't update was finals are soon and the amount of homework I'm getting is 2x the amount and my parents are pushing me to get 90s in my 2 cores so I'm trying really hard. I hope you understand, go comment and don't forget to vote! I love you aliens! Thanks again and cyber hug!
Fatima <4

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