{Chapter 11:Decisions}

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Nora's POV:
It's Wednesday and today Will is taking me on a date. This felt really odd because Jordan was taking me on one tomorrow. Whatever, I just going to try and focus on one guy, no matter how hard that was going to be. Both dates were suppose to help me decide who to choose because at this moment in time, I still had no idea!

As I was listening to Alt-J, I finally got out of my bed and got ready. Hmmmm what to wear today?! I decided on some shorts, a white lacy type top, and a beautiful light green florally cardigan with a gold statement necklace. I decided to actually do something with my hair this time, and put it into a high ponytail. I put on some makeup (eyeliner, a sort of smokey eye look with the eyeshadow, neutral lipstick, and as always, some cover up) and examined myself. I was actually quite nervous because this would be Will and I's first date. It was 11:00 right now and Will was picking me up at 12:00. Like Jordan, he was keeping the location a surprise. Oh, how I loved surprises!

Will's POV:
You can do this man! Just be yourself, that's why you like her isn't it? Because you can be yourself around her. I was beyond nervous for this date. Knock knock knock. My instincts took over and I knocked on the hotel room door. No chickening out now!

When I saw Nora I nearly fainted. She was that beautiful and I would never get tired of telling her that. "Wow, you look astonishing." I said in awe. "And you look pretty spiffy yourself there William." Nora replied, blushing. I was wearing a plum coloured Vans t-shirt with black skinny jeans and some blue converse. "Shall we go to the mysterious date location now?" I asked. Wow Will, how original. "We shall." Nora replied.
Nora's POV:
Rollerblading!! Will has taken me rollerblading. I'm pretty excited, even though I'm going to make a fool out of myself. The rink was almost empty besides two other couples about our age. They looked like they knew what they were doing. Great, I get to embarrass myself! One of my favourite hobbies. As I stepped into the rink, I immediately lost my balance and begun to fall backwards. I then felt a pair of hands go around my waist and was so grateful that I didn't just fall. "We have a lot of work to do." Will said playfully. "Yes, yes we do." I replied.

The rest of the date went by in a flash but I enjoyed every second of it. After rollerblading, Will took me out for ice cream. "My treat." He had said. After many attempts of arguing of paying for myself, Will had shut me up with a kiss. He really is my dream guy. I'm so conflicted right now. Ugh, why can't life be simple like it was back home? Guys didn't even notice me there and now I have two fighting over me. Now I truly understood the term "be careful what you wish for." I had wished for a guy to show interest in me, and here I had two.

Ze next day:
I had come back from Will and I's date at around 4:00 yesterday, then I went exploring with Sam. Apparently Justin is coming a day early, so he'll be here for the meet up. Well at least I won't be a third wheel anymore, I think we have that situation covered. Today I decided I was going to wear a light weight white sweater, paired with black leggings of course, and a wool beanie. As for makeup, I kept it pretty light but went with bold red lips.

Jordan had a lot of convincing to do. I always said that if a guy ever cheated on me, that I'd never talk to them again. I sort of broke that promise to myself. I know that he doesn't deserve me after what happened, but I still loved him. It was now 1:00. Jordan should be here any minute.
Jordan's POV:
As I stood in front of Nora's hotel room door, I couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach. I remember how just last week I had walked Nora back to her room and she had kissed me on the cheek. I had so much to say to Nora and I really hoped that she would hear me out. I looked down at my feet as I begun to get more and more nervous. I was wearing a black t-shirt with some grey skinny jeans and red Keds. My hair was down and flat. Now or never. I thought to myself as I knocked on the door.
Nora's POV:
When I saw Jordan, all my resentment towards him started to fade. Don't let your guard down Nora! Remember what he did to you. Oh, I remembered alright. "Hey you look absolutely amazing." He said to me. "Thank you." I replied. He then led me to the uber outside and we were off.

A picnic! Jordan was taking me on a picnic, which I had to say, I was impressed with. As he put down a blanket on the grass, I examined his features and remembered all the reasons I loved him. "My lady." He said gesturing me to sit down. "Well, when did you get so fancy?" I asked. "It sort of happened over night." He said laughing.

"Look Nora." Jordan begun. Here we go, the big talk. "I know I messed up big time. You have no idea how guilty I felt. I wanted to tell you about Alex, I did, really but I was selfish. I knew that you'd leave me if I told you, because you deserve better but, I love you Nora. Only you. You make me feel like a firework ready to explode, and that's an amazing feeling. You make me feel special, like I'm worth something."

"Jordan I don't know what to say. Do you know how hard it was to read that text and not totally have a mental break down?! I thought you loved me and that we had something special! You made a fool out of me and messed with my heart and I don't know if I can trust you again." "Nora please! All I want is one more chance, just one. If I ever hurt you in any way again, you can leave me. I'll have to live with the fact that I destroyed the one amazing thing in my life."

After we had let our feelings out, we were back to ourselves. Jordan being the flirtatious goof that he was and me being and shy, awkward weirdo I was. It felt good to be with him again. I still can't forget what happened though. Plus my feelings for Will intervened with my decision. "You know your the most beautiful girl that I've ever met right?" Jordan said. "Oh please, I bet you use that line on every girl." I said jokingly. "Nora, really. You are the most beautiful girl, inside and out, that I have ever met." We looked into each others eyes and kissed. Oh how I missed his kisses. I had a lot of thinking to do. A lot.
Two guys. There was Will. My dream guy. He made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. He made me feel excited and spontaneous. I felt adventurous around him because I knew that he would be there for me no matter what. We had a connection, a strong one at that and it was amazing.

Then there was Jordan. Instant connection just like with Will. He makes me feel nervous, excited, and special all at once. He knows how to talk to me and I can tell him anything. My first love.

How was I going to decide? My mind was telling me Will but my heart was telling me both! Thanks a lot heart, you're so helpful. I had to give them my decision by tomorrow, after the meet up. Oh my! The meet up was tomorrow!! The whole reason I was coming here in the first place was tomorrow. I guess it's going to be a long night of thinking for me. How peachy.

Authors note:
Hello everyone! How'd you like the chapter? I hope it was good! I didn't want the dates to take up multiple chapters, so that's why I sort of rushed them. Also I want to thank BeingAFangirl for the Will date idea! If you ever have any suggestions, feel free to message me them!
The meet up is next chapter and let me just say, stuff is going to go down! I'm sorry I haven't updated sooner, but yesterday was my birthday ( as in like two hours ago LOL I write these so late at night) and I barely have time during the week! But omg guys Tybzi and Mclean said happy birthday to me and I literally screamed!! It's the fist time I got noticed on Twitter and I fan girled so hard. XD But yes if you enjoyed this chapter please feel free to be a lamb and give me any feedback, I always love reading it! I will try to get the next chapter up as soon as possible! After 11 chapters I'm still awkward at ending authors notes!!
So I'll see you later!
Julia <3

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