{Chapter 17:New Friend}

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Nora's POV
In these last three weeks I've found love, new friendships, and even reconnected old ones. But I was leaving that all behind today, well figuratively. Today I was going home.

I stood in the airport attached to Jordan, crying profusely. "Promise me that we will talk everyday." Jordan said, barely audible through his emotional state. "I promise." I replied looking at him right in the eyes. We stood there for a couple moments, just taking in each others features.

Before I knew it, my flight was being called and I was walking away from Jordan. Not before kissing him for a good 6 seconds though. "Goodbye." I managed to choke out. "This isn't goodbye Nora, how about we say see you later." He said while smiling. "Okay, see you later." I said.

I then did the hardest thing I had to do, I walked away.

Time Skip To After The Plane:
Being home felt odd, yet much needed. My house was a cute little thing. It was just big enough for my family (my mom, my dad and I).

I caught up with my mom and dad. Oh how I've missed them. My dad didn't really like the fact that I found a boyfriend, but he was taking it well. Since I was jet lagged, I decided to go to my room. "Goodnight." I said to my parents and begun to climb the stairs. It was about 10:00pm here so it would be about 7:00pm for Jordan. My room was all the way across from my parents so I could be partially loud when talking to him.

I skyped Jordan for 2 hours and enjoyed every second of it. "I miss you already." He had said. "Well, we will see each other when it's March Break hopefully, and then we'd get to spend all summer together." I had replied, starting to get emotional.

It had been not even one day yet and I had missed his smile. Missed having the opportunity to go to sleep and wake up beside him. Missed being able to hug, kiss, and just physically touch. Something no computer screen could allow us to do.

I missed him.

Time Skip To Monday:
I wake up and instinctively want to fall right back asleep. I can't though, I have school today. I forced myself to wake up, then went to get ready. My school has a uniform so clothing wasn't a problem for me in the mornings. It consists of a black skirt, a black vest, and knee high socks. I actually liked it. I threw that on then went to do my makeup.

Like usual, I put on some coverup, mascara, dark eyeshadow, and eyeliner. I (of course) curled my hair then trudged down the stairs.

Time Skip To School:
I haven't really spoken to Sam that much after New Years. I was still a little upset with her. I hadn't seen her all day, which was odd. I wonder if she's okay. I shrugged the worry off and headed to the cafeteria. It was already full of people and the tables were crowded. Great, just going to have to eat outside or something. Just as I was about to leave I heard someone call my name.

"Hey Nora! Over here!" A guy I recognized from my math class shouted. I hesitantly began to approach his table. There were other people there but they weren't with him, I guess. I didn't even really know his name. I think it was Matt?

"Hey!" I said. "Um, you can sit here if you want." He offered. He had black hair and blue almond shaped eyes. He was wearing a black beanie and had his hair in a quiff. I had never really talked to him before but he seemed nice. "Um, I'm Matt by the way, probably should've told you that first." He laughed.

Matt and I talked all through lunch. He was really nice and fun to be around. We had math next period and decided to walk there together.

"Welcome back class! I hope you all enjoyed winter break. We are going to start off this semester by working in partners for a project!" My teacher exclaimed. He then went on to explain the assignment. "Now go choose your partners!" He said rather enthusiastically.

Matt and I gave each other "that look". You know that look that you and your best friend give each other when you're going to work on a group project. "You want to come over to my house today to work on it?" I asked him. "Sure!" He replied.

Well would you look at that, one day back and I've made a new friend.

Matt came over after school and is still at my house. It's currently 6:00pm. We had started working and had an idea of what we were going to do. The project was due in 2 weeks, so we had time. We spent an hour working and the remainder of the time just hanging out. It turns out Matt and I have the same music taste and a lot of other common interests.

Just then Jordan skyped me. We began talking and Jordan's face fell when he saw Matt. "Jordan meet Matt, Matt meet my boyfriend Jordan. We are partners for a math project." I explained. Jordan didn't seem like himself today. He looked distracted. "Um Matt could you give us a sec?" I asked. "Sure." He replied.

"Honey are you okay?" I asked Jordan. "Yeah I'm fine." He snapped. "Well what's wrong because obviously something's bothering you." I said. "Nothing, it's nothing. Look I have to go." As Jordan was saying that I heard a female voice yell "Jordan! I have an idea!!" He quickly ended the call.

Okay he was mad at me? Who was with him? Was it Matt that made him uncomfortable?

I spent the rest of the night worrying. I skyped the cube guys and asked them if Jordan was okay. They said he was fine when they talked to him and they told me not to worry, as they know that I tend to overthink a lot.

I did indeed overthink.

Oh how thoughts could suck sometimes.
Authors Note:
Hello everyone! I am back! I wanted to get an update out sooner but I got writers block. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Who do you think Jordan was with? Do you like Matt? Also just to clarify, the relationship between Nora and Matt is simply just friends. I also have some announcements!!

- First thing is that I made a joint account with EmrieWrites so check that out! It is OhSnap_ItsJulEm We made it because we are going to be writing a joint fan fic soon so look out for that! Also check out her Fan fiction, Caught it's really good!

-Second thing is that I updated the second chapter for my new Fan fiction titled Elements. If you guys could check that out it would honestly mean the world to me!

But yeah, I think that is all the announcements I have! Thank you so much for reading! Remember that any form of support you guys give me like just simply reading, commenting, or voting is appreciated immensely!

I love you all and I'll see you later!
Julia <3

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