{Chapter 8:Without You}

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Nora's POV:
"Hello? Hello? C-can you hear me?
I can be your China doll if you like to see me fall.
Boy, your so dope, your love is deadly.
Tell me life is beautiful, they think that I have it all.
I'm nothing without you.
All my dreams and all the lights mean nothing without you."

I sang along to Lana Del Ray, my words directed towards Jordan, as I was getting ready in his bathroom. After I had finished applying my mascara I sat on his bed and continued singing. "Aren't I lucky to have a girlfriend with such a good singing voice!?" He asked. "Hmm I guess you are." I replied, blushing as always.

You may be wondering why I was in Jordan's apartment getting ready. Well, I've been sleeping at his place these last few nights. Today was the day that we were going to pick up the guys from the airport!! I was so excited and secretly fangirling on the inside. Since the guys all met at PAX last year, they decided to make it a tradition to have a meet up in Seattle every year. We decided that since the guys were coming, that we should spend as much time together as possible, which is the ultimate reason as to why I was staying at his place. I examined my outfit. I was wearing black high waisted shorts and a white blouse-like t-shirt top. I decided to curl my hair, typical, I know.

"You ready to go?" Jordan asked me. "As ready as I'll ever be." I replied, a hint of nervousness in my tone. "Nora, stop worrying! They will love you, I now they will, they've been dying to meet you!" Jordan reassured me. "Okay." I replied, thankful for Jordan's reassurance.

We arrived at the airport at about 1:00. Everyone had already landed from their flights and was waiting for us to come meet them. I was feeling nervous, anxious, and frightened all at once. I was too busy in my own thoughts that I haven't even realized that Jordan had spotted everyone. I looked up to see Ryan, Brayden, Mitch, Graser, H, Sean, Tybzi, Julio, Parker, and lastly Will. Not everyone from the cube could make it this year. They all engulfed Jordan in a hug, then came to say hello to me.

"So, you must be Nora!" Graser exclaimed. We've heard so much about you from Jordan." "Yeah." They all agreed in unison. Dang, these guys really were a lot cuter in real life. We chat for a bit, but then they all started talking about things that didn't really concern me. I stood silently and awkwardly. Yep, as awkward as could be. Will noticed my being left out, and came up to give a proper introduction. "So, Nora you really are as beautiful as Jordan described you to be." I was utterly speechless. His British accent made him that much more attractive. I started blushing. "Why thank you." I replied, still shocked.

We left the airport, deciding that we would head back to Jordan's apartment and then grab some food. Ryan, Brayden, Mitch, and Graser( lol all the Canadians) all went into one taxi while, H, Sean, Tybzi, Julio and Parker fit in another. Jordan, Will and I took another one. So far all the guys had been super nice. They didn't treat me horribly or weirdly just because I was a fan that was dating their best friend, which I appreciated.

As we all entered the apartment the guys noticed the mistletoe. "Guys it's a rule." I laughed. Parker kissed H on the cheek. "What are you guys even doing right now?" Brayden asked while laughing. I was the last to walk through, but so was Will. Well this is awkward. I thought to myself. There's no way that Will would kiss me, considering that I was dating his best friend and Jordan was currently staring at us. We stood under for far longer then we should have, when I saw Will leaning towards me.

Before I knew what was happening, I felt lips on my check. "It's a rule." Will stated. Jordan stared at us looking super duper pissed at Will. There was an awkward silence, that ended up being broken by the guys starting a random conversation. Jordan walked up to me and kissed me on the lips and slid his arm around me. This was really awkward.

Most of the awkwardness had faded by the time we had gone out to eat. It was about 4:00 when we decided to go to a pizza place, which Graser was ecstatic about. Oh, Graser and his pizza. Just like the last time the guys were all together, we all put our phones in the middle of the table. Whoever picked theirs up first would have to pay the bill. Jordan's phone was on the top of the pile.

In a span of 3 hours, I had really gotten to know the guys. I had individual and group chats with all of them. They seemed to really like me, especially Will. I wondered if his like was a little too much though. I then thought about something. Today was the first day that Jordan had acknowledged me as his girlfriend. I can't believe I hadn't realized that before.
Jordan's POV:
Nora seemed to be really hitting it off with the guys. They all seemed to really like her, especially Will. I was a little pissed at him for kissing her, (even if it was on the cheek) and I have every right to be. Nora was my girlfriend, excuse me for feeling a bit mad for my best friend kissing her. That's right, my girlfriend. Today was the first day I called her that. After what happened with Alex, I never wanted to say it because of the guilt warped up inside of me. I think I'm finally ready to move on and forget it ever happened. Suddenly, my phone rang.
Nora's POV:
"Oooo, Jordan are you going to answer that?!" The guys taunted as Jordan's phone rang. "Yeah who is it!?" Will asked peering over to check. "Oh." He said after he saw who it was. His face fell flat. Ryan did the same thing. "Uh guys who is it?" I asked, growing more worried by the second. Jordan grabbed his phone and his eyes widened. He declined the call and put his phone back onto the table. "Jordan, who was that?" I asked. "Ugh no one." He stuttered. Ryan and Will looked at the ground while the others just looked confused. There was yet another awkward silence, then Jordan started getting texts. Before Jordan could grab his phone, I did and immediately regretted it.
The text read:
Hey Jordan, maybe if you really love this Nora girl, maybe you should tell her that you cheated on her. I know you didn't because I follow you on Twitter, and you've been nothing but happy these past few days. Surely if she dumped you, you'd be sad right? Or did she not even mean that much to you. Well I hope you've made up your mind because I'm still waiting for you ;)
Alex <3
Authors Note:
Are you guys shocked?
How's Nora going to react?
How's Jordan going to react?
I wanted to end this off on a cliffhanger! I should update another chapter soon, as in this weekend! I hope you guys are excited for it! Also I got a new cover, and I really like it! All the guys right now are at PAX south and I'm just here like -_- LOL Rusher, Ryan, and Jordan tried to fool us by saying that they landed in San Jose. Well I must go now, but if you'd be a lamb, yes a lamb and comment any feedback that you have, it would be greatly appreciated! :)
As always, I still don't know how to end these off so see you later!
Julia <3

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