{Chapter one:Off to Seattle}

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Bzzzzz bzzzzzz bzzzz bzzz. My alarm went off. "Ugh really?!" I muttered to myself. "Wait a minute! Today's the day!!" I exclaimed. "I'm going to Seattle!!"

Hello there. My name is Nora. I have hazel eyes, long brown hair, average weight, and basically average everything (guys don't even look twice at me). If you're wondering why I'm freaking out right now, it's because I'm about to have one of the best experiences of my life.

I'm just an 18 year old girl that absolutely loves the guys from the cube. See, I never thought that I'd get a chance to meet the the guys considering that I live in Canada. I also have very over protective parents. Add those two together and you don't see me going anywhere, especially out of the country! I was completely shocked when my parents said yes. It might have had something to do with Christmas coming up in just three weeks.

Anyways, my best friend Samantha is also in love with the cube guys. She has long black hair, blue eyes, a nice body, and she has a boyfriend. Sam and I have been best friends since grade 9. We know everything there is to know about each other and fan girl over almost everything that the cube guys do.

I sat up in my bed and smiled at the text Samantha had just sent me. "GET UP SLEEPY HEAD, WE ARE GOING TO SEATTLE!!!!!" I locked my phone and hesitantly got out of the warm embrace of my sheets. "It's only 6am" I mumbled. "Why did we have to take the earliest flight?!"

I went to the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and then curled my brown, not so straight yet not so wavy hair. I didn't even bother with make up considering I was about to be on a plane for a couple of hours. I went to my closet, picked out a white comfy tee and some black leggings (leggings are life, am I right ladies?!) with some black flats and quickly got changed. Once I was ready, I strolled out of my room and double checked that I had packed everything. I ate a quick breakfast and waited for Sam to arrive.

Around half an hour later the door bell rang. I got up and answered the door with a huge grin on my face. "Hey!" I exclaimed excitedly. "Hey girl!" Samantha responded. "Sam we are going to freaking Seattle!!" "I know!" She replied. We hugged then headed out to the airport.

After about two hours we were finally on the plane. I sat in the window seat and put in my earphones. I began to listen to some Lana Del Ray. Sam and I were going about a week earlier than the actual meet up so that we could explore the city a bit. I began to realize just how excited I actually was. I hadn't even been around all of Canada yet, and I was heading off to America! I was also about to meet the guys that entertain me everyday. I took one ear bud out and spoke to Sam. "Well, we are off to Seattle!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note:
Hello there! My name's Julia and I'm just your average cube fan girl. I really hope you enjoyed this first chapter of Soul Mates! I just wanted to let you know that this is the first fan fiction that I have ever written! I'm thinking of updating it at least once a week, most likely on the weekends, but don't be surprised if I update more often XD. I hope that you will continue with Nora on this journey and once again I hope that you enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun writing it. Also I added a picture of Nora's hair ( there should be two pictures?)
But yeah I don't really know how to end this off so see you later!
Julia <3

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