{Chapter 5:Freind Zoned}

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Nora's POV:
Sam and I went shopping after I came back from hanging out with Jordan. We explored Seattle a bit more and it was really fun. I was trying my hardest not to buy anything because I wanted to save my money but I couldn't resist the chance of buying a red lace dress. It was beautiful. Maybe I could wear this when I saw Jordan. I thought to myself. I smiled at the thought of him.
Jordan's POV:
I was still so shocked about Nora kissing me on the cheek that I couldn't even concentrate on recording today's video. I had to get one up because I was going to a movie with Alex tonight. I thought about cancelling with her, but I'd feel way too bad. Plus it's not like I was doing anything wrong. I was just going to see a movie with a friend. That is a girl. That likes me.

My brain hurt because I started to over think the situation. Should I tell Alex about Nora? I was going to see Nora tomorrow and she'd have to find out somehow, she was my best friend after all. Maybe not tonight. Should I tell Nora about Alex? What if Nora thought that Alex and I were going out? Or worse, that I had feelings for her?! But did I?
Ugh. Life is complicated.
Nora's POV:
Sam and I got dinner, then traveled back to our hotel. It was about 7:00 when we got back. "That was a lot of fun!" Sam said. "It really was." I agreed. I was enjoying every second of this trip. My mood darkened a bit when I realized that after the meet up Justin would be here. Like I said before, I have nothing against him it's just that being a third wheel sucks. Sam is the closest thing I have to a sister and I never want to lose her. Especially not over a guy.

I decided to text Jordan.
Jordan's POV:
The movie that Alex and I were going to see was supposed to start at 7:30. Alex was at my house at 6:30. "Hey cutie." Alex had greeted me when I opened my apartment door. "Hey." I had said. I was sitting in the theatre seat saving Alex's when I got a text from Nora.

Hey, it's me Nora. I just wanted to know if their was a specific time that I'd need to be ready by for tomorrow.

I responded. Whatever time is good for you ;)

Nora: Hmm maybe 3:00?

Me: Sounds good, I can't wait.

Nora: Me neither, what's up btw?

Me: Not much just chilling with my brother.

I felt terrible lying to Nora but It really didn't feel right if I told her I was out with another girl. Ugh Jordan what are you doing to yourself?

I began to question my sanity when Alex came back with two popcorns and one drink. "It's okay if we share one right?!" She asked me. "Yeah, we are best friends after all." I said. Oh crap, I totally just friend zoned her without realizing it.
"Yeah." She agreed, a hint of disappointment in her tone. Jordan, get yourself together.
Nora's POV:
Jordan had stopped texting me which I had found odd but I didn't blame him, he was hanging out with his brother. I began to plan what I was going to wear for our date. Wait a minute did I just call it a date? I began to blush. I was going on a date with Jordan. I'm sure he thought of it as just hanging out. I mean we just met, and it's not like he has strong feelings for me? Nora he called you beautiful and interesting and bought you Starbucks! Okay, maybe Jordan liked me back.
Jordan's POV:
When the movie was over Alex hung out at my place for a bit. We talked about stuff and had deep conversations like friends would. I did like her as a friend right? I mean she was beautiful with her medium length black hair and her dark brown eyes. Somehow I had always had mixed feelings about her.

We were sitting on my bed, me facing her. We were having a conversation about the movie. Abruptly she said "Jordan?"
"Yeah?" I questioned. She looked into my eyes and began to lean towards me. Oh god was she about to kiss me?!
"Um Alex?!" I said quickly. Her eyes snapped open and she looked away quickly. "I- I'm sorry." She stuttered. "Alex, it's okay!"
"No, it's not." She said and walked out the door. "Alex!" I called after her. It was too late, she was gone. Nice going Jordan. I thought to myself. Why didn't I let her kiss me? I knew why. The whole night I was thinking about Nora. Maybe fate had made me avoid getting into a relationship with Alex because I was supposed to meet Nora. Maybe, just Maybe I thought.
Authors note:
Hello there! I hope you guys enjoyed chapter 5! It was a bit shorter than usual but you guys have to tell me if you like longer chapters or shorter ones. Not much happened but Jordan lied to Nora?! Do you guys think she'll find out? Also, ouch that was awkward when Alex tried to kiss Jordan. I mean it's all about Jora or Nordan. LOL those ship names though. But chapter 6 should be out soon, it'll be good, don't worry. Leave me a comment with any feedback you have! I'd love to hear it! As always I don't know how to end this off so see you later!
Julia <3

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