{Chapter 15:Us}

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"So." Jordan started. I was barely able to look at him. I stayed silent. He had driven me to his apartment and even then I had said nothing."Nora look, I know I messed up. Again. It's just that seeing you with someone else really got to me. I guess I just thought that it was payback for Alex and I."

He did not just say that! "Jordan do you really think that I would do something like that?!" I exclaimed angrily. "I don't know Nora! I have a right to be jealous!" He stated. "Yeah you do. But don't I have the right for you to listen to what I have to say before you accuse me of cheating? Don't you trust me at all?" I asked. "Of course I do! It's just I know that you love Will and I get scared. Scared that you might go off with him or another better guy, or that something will happen when we're together." He said. "Jordan! I would never cheat on you! How many times do I have to say that?!" I asked getting more and more frustrated. "Well do you trust me?" He asked. "At this point I don't know anymore." I said. "Really?" You could hear the pain in his tone. "Well you sort of gave me a reason not too!!" I exclaimed.

We both fell silent. "Jordan I think I'm just going to go." I said. "Please don't Nora! I didn't ask you to come here to argue." He pleaded. "Okay. What happens if I go back to you?" I asked. The thought of leaving him made my heart ache. I hadn't really thought about what life would be like without him. "Then I'll prove it to you that I could be the best boyfriend ever." He said. "Jordan I-" my hand was on the door knob and just as I was about to turn the handle and walk out, Jordan kissed me.

All logic left my brain. The kiss was slow yet electrifying. Our bodies were pressed together and my hands were around his neck. The kiss got more passionate and that's when I stopped it. I wasn't ready to do certain "stuff" with Jordan yet. Plus wasn't I suppose to be mad at him?! "Jordan."I said barley above a whisper. "Nora please. Let me prove myself to you." He said while staring right into my eyes.

Jordan had showed me another side of life and I wasn't ready to give up on him. "Okay. Don't make me regret this." I said. "I won't!" He said then kissed me again.

It was about 12:00 at night and Jordan and I were cuddling. "Nora?" He questioned. "Yes." I answered, curious as of what he was about to say." "Would you want to spend Christmas and New Years with me?" He asked. He sounded really nervous. "Jordan, of course I would! I don't have a plane ticket back home yet and as long as I'm back in time for when school starts It'll be fine!" "Really!?" He asked. "Yeah!" I responded happily.

We fell asleep in each others arms.

The morning after that, I got a text from Sam.

Nora. I don't know what to say. Maybe I should start with I'm sorry! I'm so sorry that I let my anger out on you when nothing was your fault. I don't know if you'll ever forgive me but I really miss you. If you're wondering why I'm saying all of this through a text, it's because I was too afraid that you wouldn't meet me to talk. If you do want to talk, meet me at our hotel room around 12:00. I love you and again I'm so sorry!

I was shocked. "What are you reading?" Jordan asked me, just staring to wake up. Dam his morning voice was sexy! "Sam is apologizing for blaming her break up on me." I said. "Oh that's good." He said. "Yeah, it is."

"Do you know what else is good?" He asked me. "No, what?" I responded. "Us." He replied then kissed me.

As I walked to my old hotel room, I couldn't help but be nervous. I'll be fine. I thought. When I knocked on the door, Sam answered almost immediately and engulfed me into a hug. "Hello to you too!" I said while laughing. "Nora I missed you so much! I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed. "Sam, it's okay. Your reaction was natural. We can just forget it ever happened!" I said. "Really?!" She said, her voice full of disbelief. "Yes!" I replied.

"Sisters again?" She asked "of course." I said then hugged her again.

Well my life had really taken a turn in these past few days. I found out just how much the guys from the cube care about me, made up with Jordan and Sam, and Jordan asked me to stay with him for Christmas!

I was just living life, ready for whatever hurdle it had to throw at me.
Authors note:
Heeelllloo everyone!! I'm back again for the second day in a row! This is a ground breaking world record for me right here. *imagines applause* *bows*

Yeah, you knew I was weird. I always say this but I don't know if this chapter was even good, I just needed things to be mended between all of the characters before Christmas in the story.

Also a huge announcement!! I posted the prologue to a new fan fiction that I am writing called Elements!!

Like I said in the authors note of that one, it will not affect Soul Mates!
But yeah check that out of you want, I would appreciate it a lot!!
Also I just changed the cover again! I think I am the most indecisive person ever when it comes to covers!!
But yeah, I guess I'll see you guys later
Julia <3

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