{Chapter 21:Valentines Day}

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Nora's POV
Jordan and I were enjoying spending time together. Even though I had to go to school, he would pick me up in an uber afterwards and we'd be together every chance we got. He would help me with my homework and he insisted on waking me up every morning. It was especially nice because he was like a personal alarm clock except instead of making an annoying noise that made me want to throw it across the room, he'd kiss me until I got up. It really was nice.

I awoke to Jordan's lips over mine and as nice as it is, I was extremely tired. I'm not a morning person and Jordan knows that. "Honey, I enjoy you kissing me awake, but it's Saturday and I want to sleep all day." I said, my eyes still closed. "Oh really? So you don't want to go out for Valentine's Day?" He asked.

My eyes flew open. How the hell did I manage to forget that it was Valentine's Day?! I stretched, kissed Jordan, then went to go get ready for the day. After I was done, I sat next to Jordan on the couch in the living room. "Soooo are you going to take me on a romantic date tonight?" I asked, nudging him. "Nah. Not feeling it." He replied, while yawning. "Fine. You woke me up at 11:00 in the morning and I don't even get a date? I guess I'll just go back to bed." I couldn't keep a straight face, and was laughing halfway through my sentence. I got up and attempted to walk away.

Jordan grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto him. "Nora, of course I'm taking you out." He said then kissed me.

We spent the rest of the day watching T.V., watching YouTube videos, and just enjoying being with each other. It was about 5:00 when I decided to go get ready. To be honest, I had been planning my outfit for Valentine's Day for a week. I put on my outfit consisting of a beautiful half red half white dress. I paired this with black high heels and a flower crown. I curled my hair then put the crown on.

This would be Jordan and I's first Valentine's Day together. In fact, it would be my first Valentine's Day with an actual date. I was nervous, excited, and just happy. Jordan had this effect on me. I put on some mascara, eyeliner, dark eyeshadow, and a dark plumy colour for my lips. Once I felt like I was ready, I walked out to my room only to find Jordan waiting outside with a rose in his hand.

His eyes widened and I immediately began to blush. "You look..." He didn't finish the sentence, his eyes said it all. He looked extremely nice as well. He was wearing a white sweater with black skinny jeans and had his hair to the side. He cleared his throat.

"Nora. You are the love of my life. I can't imagine living life without you, I really can't. It would be a great honour to have you as my Valentine." He held out the rose, and I took it. We were so close together that my heart was pounding and he could probably hear it. "I would love to." I said then kissed him.

You'd think that someone would get tired of kissing their significant other after doing it so much, but there's just something about it that makes you feel so alive. Jordan's hand was on my back, mine were around his neck and I remembered just how amazing this felt.

We arrived at the mini golf place at around 6:30. Did I forget to mention that that's where Jordan and I were going?

We started playing. We decided after playing rock, paper, scissors that I'd go first. I went to go put when suddenly Jordan's arms went around mine. "Jordan, you do know that I know how to play mini golf right?!" I asked.

"Uh yeah but what fun would that be? Every couple needs to have that cliché moment where the guy teaches the girl how to put." He said. I couldn't contain my laughter. "Okay. Teach me your ways master." I said. Jordan swung our hands back and hit the ball. Surprisingly, I got a hole -in -one. "We make a good team." Jordan said then kissed my check.

"Um Jordan I'm going to beat you!" I exclaimed. "No you're not!" He protested. "Oh really? How about we start a bet?" I asked. "Okay. If I win, then you need to kiss me and if you win, I have to kiss you." He said, eyebrows raised.

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