{Chapter 12:The Meet Up}

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Beep..beep.. beep.. "Ugggggh!" I groaned loudly as I reached over to shut my alarm clock up. I slowly opened up my eyes as I realized what day it was.

The Meet Up.

If there was an emotion for feeling nervous, excited, and dreadful, then that's what I'd be feeling right now. I was nervous for the amount of people that were going to be there, excited to spend time with the guys, and dreadful for telling Will and Jordan my decision. I was going to break someone's heart today, and I'm not prepared for that.

I hopped out of bed and jumped onto Sam's. "GET UP SLEEPY HEAD TODAY IS THE MEET UP!!" "Sleep is calling to me!" She replied, half asleep. "Not anymore." I retorted, hitting her with a pillow. "Alright, alright I'm up!! Geez, when did you get so violent?!" She asked looking genuinely curious. I walked into the bathroom laughing to myself. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and then examined my make up. I decided to wear very light makeup, mostly neutral colours. Nude lipstick, some cover up, some mascara, very little eyeliner, and I was ready for the day.

Now came the hard part. The outfit. I decided on a dark blue dress with white flowers, a wool cardigan, a sun hat, and some black flip flops. It looked pretty snazzy if I say so myself. Sam was wearing a florally crop top with some high waisted denim shorts, and she wasn't afraid to be bold with her make up. She was going to see Justin today. It was 12:00 now and the meet up was at 1:00. We decided to grab a quick breakfast/lunch and then we were off.

As we arrived to the destination of the meet up, a beautiful nature- type park, I begun to become hesitant to go. "What's wrong?" Sam asked. "I don't know, it's just theres a lot of people there." I replied. I've always been nervous around people. And very awkward. That's why all my friends and family have had to become used to awkward silences from my lack of talking. To me it wasn't awkward, but to the other person, it must be torture. "I'll be with you! You'll be fine don't worry okay?" Sam reassured me. "Okay." I breathed.

The guys were already there, in their lines with a bunch of fan girls surrounding them. It looked like there were hundreds of people and my heart rate begun to fasten. It's not like they are going to notice you! I thought to myself. They don't even know who you are! I began to relax, when I saw Jordan and Will waving at me and all of the fan girls staring at me. Some were giving me death glares and whispering in pretty rude tones, while others just looked confused. Great now everything I didn't want to happen did. Unwanted attention. I waved back then walked farther away from the area. Sam was close behind when someone hugged her from behind. Not just anyone, Justin! She mouthed "sorry" as her and Justin walked off together. So much for staying with me.

It was 1:30 and I was by myself until a guy with brown hair styled like Jordan's walked up to me. He had blue eyes and a really nice body. Why was he coming over to me? "Hey gorgeous." He said. "Urm hi." I said back. "What do you say we get out of here?" He asked confidently. "Um no thanks. You don't even know my name." I said. He wouldn't leave though, he stood staring at me. His gaze were like lasers burning through me. I was really uncomfortable. All of a sudden Brayden walked up to us, noticing my discomfort. "Hey babe!" He said enthusiastically. "Dude, are you bothering my girlfriend?!" He said as he put his arm around me. "No, I was just leaving." The guy said, clearly defeated and walked away.

"Hey. I didn't know we were dating?!" I said laughing. Brayden begun to laugh as well. "Well you looked like you needed saving so, I saved you!" He said smiling. "Yeah thanks for that. That guy was creeping me out." I said. "Anytime you need saving, I'll be there for you." He said with a wink then walked away. Oh Brayden.

It was now 2:00 and I didn't see any sign of Sam. I begun to walk towards the centre of the park when I was hugged from behind. "Hey Nora!" A familiar voice said. "Hey Justin!" I turned around giving him a proper hug. "Where's Sam?" I asked. "Oh, she went to actually meet the guys." "Oh." I replied. We begun to have a long conversation. He was making me laugh and was really taking my mind off of things. I stopped taking when I was hugged from behind again. "Heeeey babe! Is this guy bothering you?!" Brayden.

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