{Chapter 19:Confused}

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Jordan's POV:

"I'm so very sorry."

After I said these words, I didn't now how Nora would react. Was a simple sorry enough? How many times have I hurt her before? "Nora? Please, say something." I begged. But she didn't. She never did. Not one word, she just left.

Just like I had.
Nora's POV 1 week after Jordan's:

As I breathed in the cold wintery air, I couldn't help but feel refreshed. One whole week of peace. No drama. Not as many over whelming thoughts, but you know how it
is. The odd one always popes up. Oh wait, I should probably explain where I am right now.

I am currently out for a walk, one of my new hobbies now I guess after the events of last week. If you're wondering what I said to Jordan well, I said nothing. As soon as I heard those words I froze. I didn't know how I felt, and I still don't. I had disconnected right away, leaving a baffled Jordan on the other end. He was probably as utterly confused about our relationship as I was.

I feel like I've stooped so low. I never wanted to hurt Jordan like this, or make him feel what I went through, but I needed a break. I tried acting like he didn't exist, but trust me it's harder than it looks. Especially when he would keep indirectly tweeting at me.

xBayani: Please, listen to what I have to say. - Well, I tried
xBayani: I'm sorry. - Are you though? How many times have I heard those words?
xBayani: It feels like we're only going backwards baby, every part of me says go ahead. -Really Jordan? Song lyrics, how original.
xBayani: I miss you. -Not going to lie I sort of missed him too.
xBayani: Is it really over? -And this my friends, is the one that broke me.

That's the one that finalized my decision to leave the Internet for the week, which also explains why I'm outside.

To be honest, I didn't know the answer to that. Jordan was my everything. I could be 100% myself around him, without the fear of being judged. We could talk about anything openly and deeply cared for each other. He was my first love and maybe even, dare I say, my Soulmate? He's showed me things about the world that I never imagined and I didn't want to let all of that go.

But he's also broken my heart, more than once. I remember when he cheated on me with Alex. When he accused me of cheating on him with Justin. When he got a little too close to Sam. And most recently, when he acted as if I didn't exist for about 2 weeks.

Why do I keep giving my heart to someone who finds it effortless to break, but that also makes me glow with happiness when he's on my mind? Why does he affect me this much? Why can't I decide?

I sat on an old bench as I reached my destination, the lake near my house. I breathed a deep breath then did something that I hadn't done in a week. I turned on my phones data and downloaded Twitter, Instagram, Skype, and Youtube again. I scrolled through Twitter and Instagram, going through all of the notifications. I then went to Youtube just because I'm an overly curious person, and saw something that caught my interest. It was a QNA video of Jordan. Hesitantly, I selected it and begun to watch it.

He looked happy, normal. There was something off though. He looked like he hasn't slept, something only I would notice. He continued answering questions, and I almost gasped when one came up.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Jordan read. Well this is interesting. I didn't even know the answer myself. Jordan hesitated a moment before answering.

"No. I told you guys, this year is for me to discover who I am." Is all he said.

Wait a minute. Hold the phone! Did he just say no? I immediately paused the video, almost certain that I was red with anger.

I mean technically I haven't broken up with him yet so technically we were still dating. I wouldn't even mind his answer if it was to protect me against the fans, but it's the way he answered. So certain of himself.

After a couple of minutes of my mind going haywire with curse words, questions, and emotions, I un paused the video.

"Actually guys I'm not going to lie, I do. I mean, I did anyway. It's complicated. I think we are still together. I messed up big time. I did something that I'm not proud of and I don't know if I can get her back. Also please don't hate on her. Trust me when I say she's done nothing wrong. She's the most amazing thing that's happened to my life, besides having all of you. I love her with all my heart. She brings out the better side of me, and if anything you should thank her. She's motivated me to start uploading more frequently. And, if by any chance you're watching this, then I love you Nora. I do. And I'm sorry. I've missed you so much, please give me another chance."

My heat started beating faster. The emotion he'd just showed made me start crying. I love him, I know I do. I needed to tell him that before it was too late.

I ran home, hoping that as soon as I got there that I'd go on Teamspeak or Skype. Anything that would allow me to talk to him.

I booked it home and when I flung the door open my mom called after me "Nora wait! Are you alright?!" I ignored her, feeling a tinge of quilt but I needed to see Jordan. I threw the door open but froze when I looked inside my room.

I almost pinched myself because of what I was seeing. Am I dreaming?

"Nora!" His voice snapped me out of my dream-like daze.

There, sitting on my bed, was Jordan.
Authors Note:
OOOOOOooooooooOOOOO snaaaaaapppp!!
Hello everyone! Welcome back to another drama filled chapter of SoulMates! I really hoped that you enjoyed it. Honestly, I wasn't planning on having this happen so soon but I was all like #YOLO Am I right?
No, okay I'll stop. Not much has happened in the real world but UHC is over! I don't know how I feel about this season. I found it a tad boring because of the lack of PVP, but that's just my opinion.

Sort of a small announcement but I put my other fan fiction Elements, on hold. Don't worry though, just till SoulMates is finished, and if I decide to start updating that any sooner, I'll let you all know!

Also I'm thinking about recommending fan fictions each chapter for you guys, but I feel like I'm going to run out so if you guys have any suggestions, please leave me a comment telling me them.

I think the one this chapter will be Beautiful by Becca_Cube
It is about Will or commonly known as "Kiingtonq" and it is pretty beautiful if I say so myself! See what I did there? Eh, eh? No, okay. LOL. Seriously though, it's really good and so dang cute and I really love it so check it out if you want.

Well I think that's all for now. Remember that any form of support you guys give me is appreciated immensely. And I guess I'll see you all later!
Julia <3

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