{Chapter two:Him}

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We landed in Seattle and by the time we actually got to our hotel it was almost noon. 9:00 real time as Graser was always saying. We were staying at the Mozart (completely just made that up haha) and it was beautiful!

The main lobby was very modern with leather couches that were black, there was abstract art on the walls, and a fountain that contained different coloured fish swimming around and so much more. Our room was painted a burgundy colour. The beds were covered in white silk sheets with a black comforter. There was one bed stand between our beds. There was a basic bathroom. The floors in our actual room were hardwood and in the bathroom it was a tiled black and white checkered pattern.

I looked out the window and looked at our breath taking view. We could see the space needle from our room and it looked so tiny from our point of view, even though the actual thing was extremely tall. "Wow, this is amazing." I said. "Yeah." Samantha replied.

"Sooo where do you want to go?!" I asked excitedly. "Well, I was going to FaceTime Justin and then we could go exploring!" Sam replied. "You guys have literally been away from each other for less than a day and your already going to face time him?" I asked. Justin was Samantha's boyfriend. He was very good looking with his dark brown hair that he styled off to the side and his chocolate coloured eyes. He was going to come to Seattle a couple of days after the meet up. I always felt like the third wheel around them and I was so tired of it.

"I just wanted to let him know that we've arrived safely." She said, a hint of disappointment in her tone. "Alright, fine!" I sighed. "But if you're going to talk to him for over an hour, and I know that you will, then I'm going to find a coffee place." "Fine with me, just be careful!!" She warned.

"You sound like my mom!" I joked. "Well if anything happened to either of us our parents are going to kill us!" She replied. "I know, trust me I will. I'll even look up the nearest coffee place in front of you." I said. The nearest place turned out to be a Starbucks just a couple blocks away from our hotel. It was about a 10-15 minute walk. "Well I'm going." I said. "Okay I'll text you every once in a while to make sure you're alive, stay safe please." Sam said. "Don't worry about me!" I replied. We hugged each other and I walked out of the hotel.

I had my earphones in now as I followed the directions to the Starbucks that my phone was giving me. I was humming along to Cage the elephant and looking down at my phone, when I bumped into someone and fell over "Ow!" I exclaimed. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!!" I heard a guy's voice say. Weird, it sounded familiar.

I looked up and I couldn't believe who was reaching his hand out to me. He had light brown hair styled into a quiff and light brown eyes. Bayani. Yes, you read that right! Bayani/Jordan just bumped into me. He was wearing a white and black striped tank top that exposed his tattooes and black skinny jeans with purple vans. I was utterly speechless. "Oh my gosh are you alright!?" He asked me, worry clouded in his face. I took his hand and he pulled me up. "Uh yeah! I'm the one that should be saying sorry I wasn't watching where I was going!!" I replied. "No, it's fine!" He replied smiling.

Daaaang he was so much cuter in real life. I could stare into his eyes forever. I realized that I was awkwardly staring at him and finally decided to say something. "Um by any chance, is your name Jordan?" I asked him. "Yeah, it is" he said. "How did you know that?" He asked. "Don't worry! I'm not a creepy stalker person." I said quickly. Smooth Nora, real smooth. I winced at my awkwardness. "I'm a fan of yours, me and my friend are here for the cube meet up. My name is Nora, by the way." He smiled and then said "Well that explains a lot. He laughed. "Nice to meet you Nora!" He smiled yet again, this time showing dimples. "Yeah!" I said.

After a moment he said: "How come you came a week earlier?" He asked me. I was delighted that he was keeping the conversation going. "Oh, I'm from Canada and my best friend and I decided that we should come a week earlier to explore the city." I responded. "Oh that's so cool" he replied. "Yeah, any recommendations?" I asked. "Hmmmmm." He thought. "Well one of the most popular is the space needle." He replied. "Yeah." I answered. "I can see it from my hotel." I stated. "That's awesome." He replied.

"I'm sorry if I'm keeping you from something." I apologized abruptly, not knowing if he needed to be somewhere. "No it's fine." He said. "I love meeting fans, especially when they are as beautiful as you."

I almost fainted. I processed what he had just said and felt myself blushing hard. With my pale skin it was very noticeable when I blushed. "Thank you." I said in a voice that came out quieter than I expected. I cleared my throat and saw him close his eyes as if he was embarrassed. "I'm sorry if that sounds like I'm coming off too strong." He said. I had no idea how to respond to this and was thankful when he continued. "You just seem different from all the other fans that I've met, you seem interesting." He said.

Me, interesting? . I laughed at that thought but the fact that Jordan just called me beautiful and interesting in the last five minutes made me blush even harder. "No it's fine." I smiled. "I find you quite interesting." I replied and smiled. This didn't feel real. Back home I couldn't even stare at a guy in the eyes and now I was full on flirting with Joran, flirting!!! " By any chance are you doing anything right now?" He asked me. "Actually I was just heading to Starbucks." I said. "Would you want to come with me?" I asked not knowing where this surge of confidence was coming from. "Yeah, I'd love that." He replied and smiled.
Jordan's POV:
I smiled at Nora. She was beautiful but in the most natural way. She was awkward, which I found cute. I was so happy when she invited me to go along to Starbucks with her. "So, um why where you by yourself?" I asked her taking control of the conversation. "You said you came down with a friend right?" "Yeah." She replied. "Her name is Sam and she was face timing her boyfriend. He's coming down after the meet up." She stated dully.

"You don't seem to excited about that." I said. "Don't get me wrong, he's a sweetheart but I always, and I mean always feel like the third wheel around them!" She said. "These are the first weeks in a while that I've gotten to spend time with her alone and even now he's going to be here!" She stated sounding frustrated. "I understand." I said. "I'm always the third wheel in my group of friends." I said and she smiled. "Why are you smiling I asked?!" "Oh because I've finally met another third wheel!" She giggled, and I laughed at her.
Nora's POV:
Jordan's laugh was killing me. He was so sweet and so darn cute. He was asking me questions and I was thankful because if the conversation was led by me, their wouldn't be much of one. When we finally got to the Starbucks, I ordered a hot chocolate and a caramel salted cake pop. Jordan ordered a frappichino and when we got to the cash he went to go pay. "Jordan!" I exclaimed. "I can pay for myself!" I said. "I know you can but it's always the right thing for a guy to do." He smiled. "If you need to know one thing about me it's that I'm really stubborn, and I'm not letting you pay for me! I'd feel too bad." "Well, I wouldn't." He said still smiling. "Oh my gosh Jordan!" I said.

I thought of the first threat that came to mind. "If you pay for me, I won't talk to you." I said, a hint of warning in my tone. "Now that would be mean." He said playfully. "Ignoring the guy that's buying you food." He put on a sad face. "Real funny." I said. "But I owe you one."
Jordan's POV:
I payed for our food and we went to go sit down. Her threat about me paying was so cute. She was so cute. As soon as I first laid my eyes on her I could feel a connection. I hoped that she could feel it too. Why would she invite you to Starbucks with her if she didn't feel the same way? I thought to myself.
Authors note:
Welp, that was a super long chapter! Lots of things happened, like Sam being all parent like. Just look at Joran getting all flirty with Nora! Aren't they adorable?! Does Nora feel the same way as Jordan? Thank you so much for reading and I hope that you will continue on Nora's journey with me! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had a lot of fun writing it! Leave me a comment giving me your feedback! I'd love to hear it.
As always I don't know how to end this off so yeah ^_^
Julia <3

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