{March Break-Part 3/ The end}

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Authors Note:
Hello there! Welcome to the very last part of SoulMates! I'm going to keep this short and sweet, because I have a very sappy authors note at the end, but I just wanted to say thank you guys all so much for sticking with me through this whole fan fiction. I feel like I was not as good of a writer as I am now, when I first started. Like I actually am so grateful that you guys have continued to read and support me. Hopefully, I have improved. But yeah, you guys have only motivated me more to pursue what really makes me happy, which is writing. I love you all, and remember if you guys want to follow me on Twitter it is @ OhSnapItsJulia_

Without further ado, enjoy the final chapter of SoulMates xo

That's the best word to describe how I'm feeling. It's like someone flicked a switch and all the positivity in my life completely drained from me. At first I thought it was a dream, or a better word would be nightmare. I pinched myself, but what I was seeing wasn't going away.

Jordan was with Sam and they had just done something completely disgusting to me.

I tried to speak, scream, anything, but I was frozen.

Jordan got out from under the sheets, only in his underwear and he had the guts to come up to me. "Nooooorra!" He exclaimed. His words were slurred and his breath smelt of alcohol. I knew immediately that he was drunk but that didn't stop the numbness from consuming me. I pushed him back, still stunned. "Don't be like that honey. Sam was just giving me what you took so long to give to me!"


They say that a drunk mans words are really his thoughts and if Jordan really thought that losing my virginity to him was meaningless and that he could've slept with Sam anytime he wanted, than he is a vile human being.

I didn't notice but tears were streaming down my checks. Sam came out of the bed. That b**h!

"Nora, Nora, Nora. Are you really that shocked? Jordan is a mess. It was easy to get him drunk with me. To be honest I couldn't be any happier right now. I just took a really good thing out of your life! Do you know how long I've been waiting to hurt you like this? Too long. The truth is I've envied you for our whole lives. My friendship to you has always been a lie. Justin always liked you, guys would ask me about you, you have a happy family, good grades, 4 boys that are in love with you, you're perfect. I was always less than you. Now I've taken that all away haven't I? I spent my whole life pretending to care about you, to love you. I never have. How does that feel?" She smelt of alcohol but I knew that she wasn't nearly as drunk as Jordan.

The numbness was overwhelming. All my life had been a lie? The one person I trusted the most, hated my guts. The one person I thought I could call a friend, a sister! My mind was racing and it was too hard to think. Thinking was bad. I would just remember. Remember all the memories with Jordan and Sam. Remember how I'd been so stupid to fall for their antics.

At this point I was shaking, I needed to get out of here. I ran out of the room. I heard Sam yell "Go to one of your other guys!" I ran out of the house. I know I look like an emotional wreck. I am. My mascara is running and I'm probably really red.

I was finally outside and as I was running, I bumped into someone. I was relieved when I saw who it was. "Nora! Oh my God what happened?!" Will shouted. I could barely breath. I managed to choke out the words "Sam, Jordan, same bed, no clothes."

Will hugged me and started whispering things that I could barely hear because of the state I was in.

Empty. Betrayed. Broken. That's how I felt.

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