{Chapter 6:The Date?}

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Nora's POV:
I woke up at around 10:00 in the morning. Sam and I had gone to bed at 12:00 last night which would usually be really early for us, but we were jet lagged. As soon as I realized I was awake, my eyes snapped open. I'm going on a date with Jordan!! Wait, was it a date?! Weather it was a date or not, I wanted to be prepared.

"Morning." I said to Sam. "Gooood Morning!" Sam replied, rather cheery for just waking up. We had eaten breakfast at a cafe nearby our hotel. Sam knew I was going out with Jordan later today and wanted to hang out with me before hand. I had offered for her to come with me but after many denies, I gave up. Sam had told me that she would go shopping. If you haven't realized, Sam and I love to shop. Back home, we would spend our weekends at the mall. Most of the time we wouldn't even buy anything, we just liked browsing.

It was about 12:00 when we got back to the hotel. After we had eaten, Sam found yet another couple of interesting shops and we couldn't resist the chance of exploring them. I had taken a quick shower, curled my hair, put on some makeup (neutral eyeshadow, liquid eyeliner, coverup, very subtle if I say so myself.) I was never one to wear a lot of makeup. Now for the outfit!

I decided that I would wear that red lace dress that I bought yesterday. I was wearing black polka dotted leggings paired with some black Keds. By the time I was finished getting ready it was about 2:00ish. One hour until I see Jordan. I began to get butterflies in my stomach. Jordan hadn't told me where we were going and he was supposed to pick me up at my hotel room at 3:00. I was down for anything, really.

Jordan's POV:
I stopped before Nora's room and got hit by a sudden wave of nervousness. I had gone on plenty of dates in my life so far, yet this one seemed much more special. I looked down at my shoes. Purple vans. I wanted to look as casual yet as handsome as possible. I was wearing a black t-shirt with a tribal patten that exposed my newly done sleeve of tattoos. I was wearing black skinny jeans. I had styled my hair into a quiff, as always and felt pretty confident in my appearance. I didn't feel so confident in how I was going to interact with Nora. I snapped out of my thoughts and realized that I should probably knock on the door. With one deep breath, I did so.

Nora's POV:
At exactly 3:00 Jordan was at my door. His eyes widened as he examined me. I began to blush and wondered if I had over dressed. "Wow." He said. "You look stunning." "Why thank you Jordan." "You don't look too bad yourself." I said and began blushing even more.

We began to walk in the busy streets of Seattle. I had no idea where I was and allowed Jordan to guide me through a series of winding roads and shops. "I hope you're hungry." Jordan said then smiled at me. "The first part of this date is food!" He exclaimed. So it is a Date! I thought to myself. We had stopped walking and I had found myself standing in front of a sushi restaurant named Luck Of The See. I burst out laughing when I made the connection to Minecraft. "Clever." I said and Jordan began to laugh too.

Jordan's POV:
As always when I'm with Nora, I was having a great time. Nora may have been awkward and shy but she was already coming out of her shell. We were laughing and flirting and I was so happy. After we had eaten it was about 5:00ish. I lead Nora to a park located near my apartment. It was a simple park with the usual things you'd find in one. There was a swing set, a slide, monkey bars, the rope things you have to climb up and basically other stereotypical park equipment. "So the second part to this date is a bit different." I said.

When we arrived Nora's eyes widened with excitement. "TO THE SWINGS!!" She yelled and pulled me to the swing set, giggling as she did so. She sat in the first of two seats and looked up at me. "Shall we have a contest to see who can go higher?" She questioned. "Of course." I said and immediately filled the second seat. We both were pretty high and we were having an argument over who was higher. It was so stupid and cute. "I think we can agree that I'm going higher!" She stated. "Nuh uh!!" I blurted and burst out laughing. "Dare me to jump off?!" I said. "No!" "What if you get hurt?" Nora said looking concerned. "You're cute". I said, then jumped off the swing landing on the floor. Seconds after I did so Nora did also which caught me off guard. She landed on top of me and was giggling uncontrollably. "You could've been hurt!!" I said being genuinely worried. "You're cute."She said then smiled.

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