Chapter 58

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Well guys, I have a nice long chapter for you this evening. I hope ya'll enjoy it! I will say that it helps to have a good understanding of the board game Monopoly, but feel free to reach out and message me if you have any questions. :) 

Chapter Playlist:

Kings and Queens by Ava Max

A Little Wicked by Valerie Broussard

Killer Queen by 5SOS

White Flag by Bishop Briggs

You're the Best by Joe Esposito

Don't forget to star and comment! Enjoy!


"You know, Mare, today's a special day for Cal."

My eyes trace the caramel and gold board. Under the cover of my cap, I take in Cal's gilded dog that sits on Short Line railroad and my wheelbarrow that occupies Indiana Avenue. Neither Cal nor I have run out of spending money, nor have either of us built a Monopoly yet. The railroads went early, three of which are mine and one of which is Cal's. Cal has one of the utilities.

I have Park Place, and Cal has Boardwalk. Cal only needs Pacific Avenue to complete his Monopoly on the green properties. I only need Illinois Avenue to get the reds. We haven't landed on any yellows. The cheaper properties are split evenly among us, and twenty minutes in, everything is up in the air.

Disinterestedly, I glance up from the fine board. "And why's that, Julian? Or is it just the fact that he gets to crush me in a game of Monopoly in front of an audience?"

The spicy, almost fairy-like aroma of the hallway's scented candles is getting poignant. The lights and the quiet but ever-present circle of dancers have blurred in my periphery. What remains is the plush strip of carpet beneath me, my paper money and deed cards, the game itself, and my opponent.

"Well that's obvious," Julian returns, lifting his chocolate malt to his lips. "But I was going to say that it's only once a month that Cal allows himself artificial sugar. And chocolate, no less. It's a really special day for him."

Upon closer inspection, the three malts at the table have been poured into sizable wine glasses. Spiraling whipped cream threatens to spill over the rims, and a dozen maraschino cherries poke out from the cream. Candy cane straws stick out from the sweet, gelatinous drink, and with a touch to the glass, I find that the chocolate malt is still very much cold.

I give Cal nothing less than a scowl. "Once a month? You're serious?"

It's a stupid question. Of course he's serious.

On the opposite side of the board, Cal returns my judgemental gaze. Enjoying an apparently rare treat, his eyes have this boyish joy in them, and contentedly, he takes another slurp of his malt before setting the wine glass on its golden coaster.


With a roll of the dice, Cal lands on my Baltic Avenue.

"Four dollars, please," I tell Cal sweetly.

But one of Cal's deft hands is already handing me four ones before I fully get the words out. His fingers brush mine as he deposits the thin bills in my hand. Though he doesn't say anything, his eyes, now losing their boyish gleam, tease the hell out of me.

I like to pretend that I don't know how much rent costs. I keep glancing at my cards every time Cal lands on my properties, keep asking him how much I owe whenever I land on one of his.

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