Chapter 83

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 Hey all! I hope everybody is doing well. I'm on spring break from college, so hopefully, I can publish another chapter or two before I return. A happy spring equinox to all! 

If I don't say it enough, please give this chapter a like and write some comments! 


A number of days later, I can't decide whether or not Ptolemus is annoying.

"Like I already said, there's no need to bring gifts. It's not like any of you could top what I'm getting him, anyway."

At the end of technique class, I hold a birthday party invitation in my hand. It's printed in black and gold and features a scrawny five-year-old boy with unkempt black curls. As if staring into the sun, his eyes are squinted, and he wears one of those terrible smiles typical of children.

"I know what you all are thinking. It's Halloween. All you young people want to party and drink on Halloween," Ptolemus says, like he's an old, grumpy man. "But the good news is that the drinks are free and unlimited at the Samos penthouse. You can get as drunk as you want. Brother Ptolemus will watch over you."

I hold back a cringe. Ptolemus brings to mind too-recent, raw memories.

"The attire is semi-formal. Feel free to make it a costume. But something that could also pass as not a costume, you know? This is a classy birthday party."

Not that they don't plan on coming, but half of the room still rolls their eyes. Everybody loves Cal and would never miss his birthday party. Especially if there's free champagne.

"Blonos, you coming?" Ptolemus asks.

As though she's judging the small child, Bess Blonos scowls at her invitation.

"Blonos, you don't have to come," Cal argues, standing beside his best friend. He dons a slight blush, interjecting every few seconds to correct something that Ptolemus says, who has his arm slung around Cal's shoulder.

What a bromance.

I can hardly believe Ptolemus's sister is Evangeline.

"Yeah, Blonos, you don't have to come to Cal's twentieth birthday party. I've only been planning it for five years."

For a moment, Blonos looks like she's about to demote Ptolemus. But soon after, her expression softens into something more motherly. She has known Cal for years and years, after all.

"Of course I'll come, Cal."

Terribly pleased with himself, Ptolemus claps his hands together.

"Now remember," the older Samos starts again as everybody stops paying attention, moving to filter from the room. "No presents, Semi-formal attire. My family's place. Please don't be late. Nothing's more embarrassing than being late."


My GED test is officially one week away.

I'm not especially nervous for it. Julian's prepared me well, going through math, English, science, and social studies for hours and hours at his desk over the past few weeks. I almost feel bad about the amount of time he's dedicated to this, considering that—although he won't admit it—he's spent hours and hours reviewing math and science himself. I don't think Julian's taken a math class since his freshman year of college.

Blankly, I stare at my second graded paper. I should be smiling, considering that I got an A-. But I can barely focus my eyes on the words that I wrote, double-spaced in Times New Roman. If I were an NYU student, I'd be an A- student.

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