Chapter 73

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Hey all! Today is the last day of my summer--it's safe to say that my update schedule is going to be even more off-kilter than usual for the next few months as college app season passes. I'll do my best to keep everybody up to date, and I wish everybody a good school year!

NOTE: Please leave a 10-word response in the comments telling me about how my writing has impacted your life. I need a good quote for a college app! Thank you!

As always, leave comments! I adore them more than anything in the world, especially now with all of my stress! Love y'all!


"We'll make sure that you're comfortable, Mare. We're hospitable—we promise."

"I have no doubt about that, Elara."

My words are breathless. I barely hear myself say them.

The town car feels suffocating. The black leather is hot against my hands, and the windows mock me with their displays of life and people. Everything glistens as it always does, and classical music plays softly over the speakers.

A subtle, pulsating throb makes its way behind my forehead. My skin feels hot beneath my coat that Lucas picked up for me at the coat check. My nerves buzz. I sandwich my hands between my thighs and the seat, hence the sweat.

I imagine that the plan to kidnap Mayor Jon has fallen through. Hearing Farley offhandedly mention the scheme feels like a lifetime ago. I didn't have anything to do with it, but the disruption I caused was surely enough to throw a wrench in that plan.

Although he has the car in park, Lucas grips the steering wheel hard. His face presses into the top of it, sure to leave a nice arch-shaped mark on his forehead.

Elara, meanwhile, is still a picture of elegance. Her makeup remains as intact as her cool expression, her steely coat making her look like a mob boss's wife. Her eyes are alert as she twists in her seat, peering back at me.

"You two can sleep in the same room if you want. It's fine with me."

Out of the corner of my eye, Maven's lips curve into a curious, eager smile. Any tiredness that he wore a moment ago vanishes from his face.

We don't sit right next to each other. The middle seat is empty, leaving between us two feet of breathing room. I figured that I'd put some space between me and my boyfriend for Elara and Lucas's sake.

But Lucas, forehead still against the wheel, doesn't seem to be responsive to much. And Elara, with a relaxed smile, is really taking this "cool parent" thing to heart.

My lips part, not sure of what to say.

The hairspray must be leaking into my brain. The complex braids pull at my skull.

"I'm really tired. I just want to get these shoes off and go to bed."

My feet ache. I free my hands from their cage between my thighs and the seat. My fingers, not entirely steady, pull at the straps that'll release my toes.

"We would just be sleeping."

Maven's tone is steady, casual, but his face still hints at morning plans. I should ask him if he has any homework to finish up, but that question feels like I'm evading another.

My boyfriend glances at his mom. His bow tie is loosened, and he looks about ready to rip off his tux jacket. His gelled hair is beginning to lose its shimmer. It's been a long day.

"Could we have the door closed?"

Elara lets out a little laugh. "Obviously, Maven. Unless you want your brother monitoring you and—"

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