CHAPTER 14: She Knew

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MINA's Pov

I decided to go to my favorite place just to get some fresh air again, since I couldn't sleep, luckily that thing attached on my hand with a small hose with a bottle of liquid hanged to the metal pole with a small wheels that I always pushes wherever I go, is gone, the nurse took it out awhile ago. When I opened the door, I saw two familiar figures in front of Chaeyoung's door. I couldn't fully see since the hallway doesn't have much light but enough to see the surroundings. I've seen the short haired girl rushed to the other girl who I couldn't recognized since her back is facing me. The short-haired girl hugged the other girl tightly and when the light hits her face, I gasped and immediately putted both of my hands on my mouth to prevent any sound coming from it because of the unexpected revelation.

"Jeongyeon?" I said to my self. I couldn't believe on what I am seeing right now. It looks like this is the first time they've seen each other after a long time. I stand there unmoving not to interrupt whatever they are talking or should I say doing.

They could definitely saw me if only they are not in that situation it seems like they are in the middle of their emotions which the reason why they haven't noticed that I am here just a few steps away from Chaeyoung's room. They are hugging as if they doesn't want to let go of each other. Seeing the other girl's shoulder moving up and down, I could tell that she is crying, I could not hear her sobs that much maybe because she is preventing making a loud noise.

I was about to turn my back from them since I don't want to interfere. I heard the other girl's speak that made me stop on my track. I couldn't believe on what I just heard, her voice is so familiar.

"I missed you." This voice, I've heard it before, but I'm not sure from whom. But what I've noticed the most was that the pain on her voice, the longing through it, you could clearly feel it.

At first I doubted it, but the moment I turned to them again, I've seen Jeongyeon-unnie's figure from afar, she walked away without looking back at this poor girl who's crying non-stop. I was about to turn my back again and doesn't want to meddle at all but my feet doesn't let me they moved as if it has its own life. I walked towards the girl, she is sitting on the ground while crying.

I knelt down in front of her, I was about to reach her shoulder to comfort her but she looked up and saw her face. I was taken a back at first, because seeing her in this situation surprise me. So I was right that, that voice belongs to her, the reason why it was so familiar because it is her.

"Unnie." I said and hugged her right away. She cried so hard on my shoulder, I don't have any idea how long we are in that position, I felt my knees were numbed and I could feel that my shoulder is getting wet because of her tears, but I don't mind.

We've been in that position until she stopped crying. I did not say anything but I stood up and reached for her hand to help her to do the same. I still remained silent and without a second thought I headed towards the elevator, still, she did not say a word, so do I.

When I pushed the button for the elevator door and since it opened right away I was about to enter but she stopped me in the middle of my track. Since I was holding her hand it prevented me to fully enter the elevator. I looked at her with a confused look but she just pointed at the signage beside the door with a written notice 'private' . I turned to face her and let the elevator door close again since none of us entered. I smiled at her and squeezed her hand before I speak.

"Just follow me Nayeon-unnie." I said with my soothing voice.

"Why? Someone might see us entering this elevator and report us to the authority personnel of this Hospital." You could clearly hear how worried she was through her voice. I could clearly see her right now, her puffy eyes and runny nose, it is new to me. I've never seen her like this, I've known her for being a childish and a loud one, but right now? She's totally different.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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