CHAPTER 4: Getting to know

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Since our class started I automatically get along with my new found friends, yes it is FRIENDS with S, I am having a small talk with them while heading towards our University Cafeteria they invited me to have a lunch with them and they've been friends for quite long and since they've been here for a long time I got to know a lot about I.U.K, I am mesmerized how huge this University is.

"We're here!" Nayeon Unnie exclaimed with excitement on her voice when we stop in front of a fancy place.  Then she gets back looking on her phone again, she's been looking on it since we got out from our Studio. 

I decided not to mind about it since I don't have a right to stop her for doing that. I averted my attention at this fancy place again, it isn't filled with students yet or maybe it is just huge to be filled.

I've heard from them that it is the only cafeteria here in I.U.K where all students in a different program are allowed, no wonder it is huge and it means I've got a chance to bumped into Momo and Mina.

"Oh right! I must tell them where I am, I'll introduce them with my new friends later." I said to myself with a smile on my face.

"Let's look for a nice spot." Jihyo said and lead us. Jihyo has this kind of personality where you could lean onto her when you are having a hard time or being in a difficult situation. She has a vibe of leading the others for a better outcome, you know what I mean? Well I haven't knew them for a long time but I could sense it.

The Cafeteria is  fancy from the outside but it is fancier from the inside. I was busy looking around and did not realized that Jihyo found a nice spot with a huge table for us. She stopped right away not being able to stop myself because of her sudden pause and bumped onto her.

"Oh! 미안해(sorry)! HAHAHAHAH."

"Yah! You're so clumsy, be careful." She said with a hint of worry in her voice. 

"알았어(Okay)." I was about to pull the chair for me to sit but Nayeon Unnie startled me because she just shouted out of nowhere. She was looking at her phone since our break, she's been busy texting with someone after we got out from our Music studio up until now.


"Unniieeee!!! You scared the hell out of me!" I said while holding my chest.

"Unnie! 왜(Why)? You just shouted out of nowhere, some might think that we are with someone who is ill headed." Because of what Jihyo said I can't help but burst myself into laughter.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA Yah! it is too much Jihyo-ssi but you have a point, Nayeon Unnie why? You've been on your phone since we got out from our Music studio up until now and all of a sudden you shouted out of nowhere? it seems like you've got a shocking news that you can't handle HAHAHAHA" I jokingly stated while pulling my chair again.

"YAH! Sana-ssi are you a fortune teller? How did you know that?." She said while pulling the chair across me and Jihyo copied her by pulling the chair beside her.

"I've been reading my unread messages from a group chat with other students and someone said that they've seen Chaeyoung somewhere here in our University, it means she got back after missing for years, well after she got back from being 'MIA' for how many months then got missing again for years, but now she got back again." She said after seated comfortably and put her both hands in our table and lean her body closer to me. 

When I Was 11 : MiChaengWhere stories live. Discover now