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I was on my way home when I heard the sound of my phone.


Without looking at the screen I just answered it and connected it on my car's bluetooth.

"Hello? Who's this?"

"It seems like my own daughter forgets her father huh?"

"I'm sorry Dad! I am driving right now and answer it right away, you kn-"

"SHARON!!! How many times do I have to tell that you are not allowed to drive anymore?! You never listen to me!"

I decided to stop the car for a while on the side and turned off the engine. I calmly talked to my Dad and explained my self. I could sense his anger from the other line.

"Dad look, first, I definitely know that you are against the idea of me driving on my own, but Dad, I don't have a choice and I know that you knew that I'm really not into a public transportation, I hate taking busses or cub, I'd rather drive on my own than to do that right?"

"Let's talk when you got home." He said plainly.

"Okay, I miss you and I love you Dad."

"I love you too honey, PLEASE BE CAREFUL." and he hanged up after he emphasized those last three words. 

From the tone of his voice I know he was still upset but I don't have a choice but STILL I have to explain my side even though it takes me a hundred times to do that just for him to understand me, of course when I got home.

I was about to start the engine when I realized something.

"Let's talk when you got home"


"OHMYGAD!!! Dad is here?!" I exclaimed because of the excitement knowing that he is here, but before I lose it I immediately dialed my Dad's number again to confirm if my guts are right. Luckily, he answered it right away.

"What's the matter? Did something happen? Where are you? Why are you taking so long?." he said every single words without even breathing.

"Hey Dad, I'm fine, I just need to confirm something, I might lose my mind if I haven't, so yeah, by any chance  have you arrived here in Korea?"

"It was supposed to be a surprise but yes, so you better come home ASAP honey, BUT BE CAREFUL, OKAY?." I cried when I heard it from him, I really missed my Dad so much.

"You're serious right? you're not bluffing right?."

We haven't seen each other for 2 years now, and I know Mom missed him too, for the passed 2 years our way of communication were always through face time or text and calls.

BUT now his here, finally!

"Why would I do that? Please come home now, we are waiting for you, let's eat dinner together." I couldn't help it but to cry even more, we haven't eaten together for so long, as a whole family. It really makes me happy, tears of joy, indeed.

"Hey honey? are crying? don't hang up just put it on hold I just wanna make sure that you are fine especially when you are driving."

"Okay, Dad. Just give me a minute." I said and wiped my tears, I regained my strength and sighed.

When I Was 11 : MiChaengWhere stories live. Discover now