CHAPTER 10: Acceptance

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SANA's Pov

I was stunned, I know there was a problem between us but I never expect it could be this big. I did not realize that I was crying, tears keeps flowing down my cheeks I could not even move my body. Hearing it from Momo really breaks my heart. I should have known earlier so that I could at least stop myself from liking that girl but I was so dumb to realized it. I was so selfish, while all Momo's did was thinking of me the whole time. She chose me over her happiness. I don't know if I could face her. To be honest, I feel so stupid for being dumb.

I followed her when she left but I know she needs time for herself. That is why I stopped when she reaches her room and closed the door behind her. I stood there, contemplating if I could at least apologize for being stupid and dumb but I chose not to. I could hear her sobs, I know she was crying and it breaks my heart. I was standing there the whole time when I did not hear her sobs coming from her room I decided to went on my own room which only beside Momo's.

Three o'clock in the morning, but I was still fully awake looking at the ceiling dumbfounded. The sound of my phone got me back on my senses, it came from an unknown number. 

"Hi :) "

"It's me, Dahyun."

"I just got home."

Smile formed on my lips right after but my heart hurts. I don't know what to do, I am happy and sad at the same. It felt so wrong to be happy while Momo is in pain. I closed my eyes and tears creeps slowly from the corner of it. Then I heard my phone's sound again.

"Jihyo unnie's driver dropped me by so you don't have to worry."

"I mean, you know? We are safe as you can see."

I don't really know what to do. I was crying the whole time while reading her text messages. But what Momo said earlier keeps echoing on my head. 

"If you were on my position, I guess you would do the same. Who am I to fight from the battle that I know I already loss? Even the bravest person in the world would never try. If given a chance, I would still choose the same, I let myself loss. Because I don't want to fight from the battle that I know I might gonna lost my friend, no, my sister, while fighting."

"Because I don't want to fight from the battle that I know I might gonna lost my friend, no, my sister, while fighting."

"Because I don't want to fight from the battle that I know I might gonna lost my friend, no, my sister, while fighting."

I hugged my pillow and buried my face on it while I was holding my phone gripping it tightly. I hurt her. I am useless. Selfish. Stupid and dumb. I'm not worth it of being her friend and considered me as her own Sister. Once again, I got a text messages from Dahyun maybe she was waiting for my reply, but I decided not to. It felt so wrong.

"I guess you are already asleep."

"Please don't forget to save my number! :) "

"Goodnight! <3 "

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