CHAPTER 11: New Friend???

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"Is there's something wrong with Sana unnie? or did you at least text her when you got home?" Dahyun blurted out from nowhere. I looked at her from rare view mirror, she seem lost from her thoughts while she was looking outside the window. I thought she was talking to herself but not, she looked at me waiting for my answer.

"Huh?" I asked her in confusion. I might heard it wrong though.

"I said maybe there is something wrong with Sana unnie." She repeated herself.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I texted her after you dropped me off awhile ago from the Hospital."

"Yup! Since you tried your best just to get her number from us. By the way, then what?" I smiled a little reminiscing that moment when we teased her about it. I looked at her again for a second. My smile automatically went off when I saw her looking at me with her serious face.

"Oh! I'm sorry." I said and cleared my throat. I did not know exactly what she was talking about. It looks like she is the one who has a problem or what.

"Then I thought she wanted me to update her when I got home. So I did, but I did not received any reply from her, isn't it weird?" She said when I asked her to continue, her eyebrows furrowed the whole time.

"What is wrong with her exactly?." I asked myself as if I know the answer.

"Maybe they were so tired to not even having a chance to at least text you back she might fall asleep as soon as they got home." I cleared my throat once again and stated my opinion about her burden. I could not see her expression fully because  I have to focused on the road.

"Well to be honest even me, I was so tired to take a shower so instead I just washed my face then go to sleep." I added.

She must have been realized it because she remain silent. I looked at her once again she have this calming and better expression than earlier but then again her eyes were still locked outside looking through the car window the whole time she must have been lost on her own thoughts again. I shrugged that thoughts off of my head and just focused on the road.


We were heading now to Nayeon unnie's place. It is just a 15 minutes drive until we get there, so before we leave I texted her first to get ready and told her that I will call her when we arrived at her place.

"What's wrong Momo unnie? You have a slightly puffy eyes there." Dahyun said that made me glance at them through the rare view mirror and Dahyun was right. I diverted my gaze to this girl beside me who has been silent the whole time.

"Maybe there were something happened between these two." I told to myself as if my guess was right.

"I over slept and Sana woke me up before you girls came here." She said while facing this curious kid.

"Lies." That was what myself thought, but it seem like this kid believes in her. I kept listening to their conversation while focusing on the road.

"Oh! Maybe Jihyo unnie was right."

"What do you mean?"

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