CHAPTER 13: 보고싶다 (bogoshipda)

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I was looking around not knowing where I should go or at least where I should start, I have my huge luggage with me that made it hard for me to move around, but still, I can manage. I did not know anything about this place and even the culture of this country, Korea. I got an invitation from my friends parents to transfer to their University which I accepted without thinking twice, I really wanted to improve my singing and dancing skills but in my Country we don't usually have that program that focuses in that kind of stuffs, well we have,  but like what I have said they did not focus on that program not how the Korean people focuses and embraces it.

All the expenses are free. I told them that they don't have to, I am a model in Taiwan since I was a kid so basically I have earned enough money to cover all the expenses here but they insisted and they told me that I can't say no. I don't have a choice but to accept it.

I learned Hangul because of their Daughter even though I learned it from her does not mean I am good at it, my knowledge about Hangul is just enough to start a simple conversation. She's been my friend since she started living in Taiwan at first I thought she was gonna live there for good but she told me about everything, like how she kept seeing things on her dream and even sometimes images keeps flashing on her mind and she even told me that  it was so painful when it happened, then after that without saying good bye she left the Country and I found out she goes back to Korea without telling her Parents and even me.

I was worried that time. I called her many times and texted her but I could not reach her and did not received replies. So I decided to call her Dad and told him that his Daughter left Taiwan and headed back to Korea. After that I have not heard anything about her, to be honest I misses our bonding and moments together hopefully she misses me too. She still have no idea that I'm gonna live here in Korea for good and if given a chance to continue my modeling career here, I would love to accept it right away. 

After minutes of being lost in this place I finally found the exit and a man in suit are waiting outside while holding a banner with my name written in Korean (주쯔위) means Tzuyu. Luckily I could read it because of my friend. I approached him while pushing my luggage with all my might and greeted him when I reached him.

"안녕하세요~ I'm Tzuyu sorry I'm not good in Hangul." I said and bowed at him. He immediately corrected his posture and bowed in return.

"Oh! I'm sorry. 안녕~ so you're Chou Tz-Tzu-"

"Tzuyu." I said correcting his pronunciation.

"Oh! hahahaha I'm sorry." He said and scratched his nape because of embarrassment. 

"Haejun-oppa right?" I said not sure if I pronounce his name right.

"Oh! 예~ , let me help you with your luggage." He answered and immediately took my luggage and putted it at the back of the car. After that he opened the back door for me. I thanked him in return and smiled at him.

If you all got confused why I know his name it was because Mr. Son already told me about him, as I said it was all planned by him so basically he already notify me about everything, except where I live. Haejun-oppa told me that Mr. Son wanted to meet me in person, so we are heading to his office to grant his request. 

Since we still have a long way to go according to Haejun-oppa I feel my eyelids are heavy. I woke up early this morning for my flight so I decided to take a nap for a while and asked Haejun-oppa to wake me up when we arrived at Mr. Son's office.

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