Heartache Part-2

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Serkan did something very impulsive and he seemed to have regretted right away. It was obvious that he didn't love Selin, he had never ever loved her as far as he could remember even when he was dating but of all the women out there she seemed to be the right choice as she never wanted to take control of him or invade his privacy moreover it seemed like she was fine with not being loved back.

He had to take this step of proposing Selin otherwise he might have once again fallen for Eda , who as Selin had described was a master manipulator and completely changed him and his lifestyle . How could he have have fallen for someone like her did they really love each other so much? He thought. He could still remember all the pictures of them that Eda had showed him the other day in his house and he just couldn't hide the fact even to himself that how blissfully happy he looked with her and she with him. But he thought that maybe it was a mistake, he shouldn't have fallen in love with anyone. It was how he was destined to be in total control of his life with no place for someone else in his life. But still everyone who spoke to him like Engin, Anne, Seyfi and even Piril, Erdem and Leila told him about how happy and cheerful he was when they were together. They even went further to add that he used to become restless without her when they were apart for a long time. Even though it made him appreciate the fact that because of her, his mom was able to overcome her fears and step out of her house for the first time in 20 odd years and thought that is was her way of paying back to them for taking control of the Holding and Artlife. He couldn't believe that or anything that they said about him and Eda being together.

She surely was a master manipulator to not only manipulate him but all of them. He thought. Otherwise why would Selin, his childhood friend lie to him after all she was the one who took care of him during his most vulnerable days, where he only had her.

While he was in his thoughts Selin drove them back to his house. She invited him to sleep. To which he replied that "Selin even though we are getting married I would still love to have my private space "...he added after a long pause "atleast for now. Besides have got some work to do."

So while he immersed himself in work trying to get updated to whatever that happened in his absence at his office. Selin meanwhile went to sleep with a big grin on her face as she finally getting was married to her lifelong love and kept believing the fact that she would eventually enter his personal space after all Eda did it in a couple of months and besides she has a lifetime with him. So, someday eventually he would give in. She slept dreaming about her life with Serkan after marriage and it seemed like she slept with a grin on her face as when she woke up in morning her jaws were hurting her pretty bad.

While Selin was on her way to office with Serkan they talked about work and she added that as he had propsed her infront of Eda they might get back the shares from Eda quickly. To which Serkan replied that "Yes" she might go ahead with her plan and ask Eda to sell the shares back. But little did they know let alone very few people that Eda had something else brewing up for them

Eda was working in her office on that day as she wanted to distance herself from Serkan. She heard a knock on the door and thought that the papers about the shares would arrive so she asked them to enter. But to her dismay it was Selin.

"Gunaydan, Eda" when she saw her expressions change "waiting for someone else" she asked slyly thinking that she might have been waiting for Serkan.

"Yes I was waiting for someone. by the way congratulations to you and your fiancé for your marriage that will take place but what brings you here? " She said in a not so cheerfull tone.

"Thanks for the wishes well umm actually I had-"

There was another knock on the door and Eda asked them to enter. In came Jeren and another lawyer. She greeted them and asked Selin to leave them alone adding that "I would meet you in half an hour, if its fine with you and then we can discuss about whatever you want to with me " Eda said without even looking at Selin. So, Selin left uttering an inaudible "Tamam".

Eda was done with the paperwork and now she owned 50% of the holding. The lawyer had left and then after having coffee with Jeren who was representing Eda during the paperwork the went about to mind their own business.

Soon she met Selin in the cafeteria.

"Selin you wanted to talk about something?"

"Yes Eda I would get straight to the point. Now with Serkan marrying me. I thought that it would be better if you left the company after selling your shares . You know for your own good. As wouldn't like to see us together." She said all this with a such a big smile that she was able to count all her teeth easily. Ohh boy but little did she know that Eda was really looking forward to this conversation.

"I actually didn't Know Selin that you really thought so much for me " Eda added barely able to control her laughter as she imagined her change in facial expression when she would get to know about her buying Selin's shares.

"Well you see Eda never wanted you to come between Serkan and me. It's quite unfortunate that your heart had to be broken due to this. " she added slyly.

"Oyle mi! I thought it was you who came between us and brainwashed Serkan about me Selin. Anyways he might remember one day Selin and god knows what would happen to you."Eda added with a chuckle. "Anyways about the share. I have to tell you that I bought 5% more shares today and that makes me the majority stakeholder." Eda finished her sentence with a smug smile.

Selin was dumbfounded "From whom did you buy? Ferit? God knows how much you paid him?"

"Hayir! not Ferit's shares I bought your shares. Your father sold them to me". At these words Selin remembered that she had given her shares to her father when she left for Denmark. Ohh NO..NO.. she thought in her mind Serkan would be so angry on her right now..

Meanwhile Eda was having the time of her life seeing Selin so tense and lost in deep thought obviously thinking of how Serkan would treat her after he perceive this news of Eda buying her shares without her knowledge.

"Are you joking Eda?" Selin finally asked.


"So you really bought my Shares"


Selin turned away on her heels and dialed a number on her phone. Obviously it must have been her father whom she would call to confirm this news.

Now after seeing Selin run away she thought it was time to tell Serkan too. She knocked on his office door and entered . He looked up his laptop to see Eda approaching him. God she was killing it with her looks .FOCUS. He thought and asked her what brought her here?

"Well I just wanted to tell you that I have become the major stakeholder of the Holding wiyh 50% shares after buying an additional 5% today. "

"What who sold you the shares?Ferit?" Serkan couldn't believe his ears.

"Hayir! Selin. Even she too asked the same question you really are made for each other" She added with a Cunning smile

"Selin?" Serkan asked dumb founded.


She was about to walk after turning away when Serkan held her arm back and pulled her towards him bringing her really close to his face his eyes and lips oh she missed them so much that made her legs weak but somehow she regained control of herself and removed his grip on her that Serkan too seemed to have forgotten about his grip on her after getting so close to her face and those eyes that still begged him to remember her...them.

"You shouldn't hold me like that Serkan remember that all we have now is just a professional relationaship. So respect that" She said firmly. While actually she was still trying to regain her balance of what had just happened.

Serkan who was knocked off his reverie after Eda began to spoke uttered "Sorry".

Serkan then asked "I thought you would leave the company after what happened yesterday and would have wanted to sell the shares."

"Well I am not the running away type you see and I don't let my personal life affect my work " She said while thinking about all those days when they used to hold hands, hug or get intimate with each other while being at work.

With that being said she left his office and this time successfully. While Serkan remained fixed at his position.

**I'm taking a break from writting the latter episodes of Heartache... sorry**

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