Smile- One direction story

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It is not mine storyyyyy :) xxx


I was walking down the street with Eric by my side holding my hand and thinking how I love today - last day of school and in two days it's Christmas!! Eric was mumbling some song he learned today in preschool. I was waving our hands back and forth when I saw an unknown car parked on our driveway. I hope it's not Social Serveces again. I know my mom is not the best in the world but she cares about us, well, at least she loves us, I hope. We got up the driveway and got to the doors that were always unlocked. As we walked inside known smell of cigaret smoke and alcohol mixed together hit my nostrils. I bend down to help Eric get his coat and shoes off and than I did the same thing. Eric, as always ran to his room up the stairs to leave his backpack and I went to the kitchen but yelling from the other side of the doors stoped me.

"I just want to help you Kelly!" I heard a lady voice saying. It was a familiar voice and I started to think about whose could it be when my mom's yelling put me to reality. 

"You want to help me huh?! Well you are not gonna help if you take my kids away Anne!" Anne? Anne.....aunt Anne?!?!?!

"I'm not gonna take them away, I just want to help. They can be with me untill you get your life back in order!" I could hear almost a squeak in her voice.

"There is nothing wrong with my life!" wich was her way of saying get off of my case I have a perfect life with my vodka bottle and here and there a bit of coke.

"Oh really?! Look around!!! Look at the house your 17 year old daughter and a 5 year old son live in!! Please Kelly!" and again I could hear a bit of squeak as her voice started to crack from misery.

"Just because you come here once a year doesn't mean you know everything about us! Now go to your perfect family and forget about me and my children!" there was a pause and then I heard glass breaking and my mom screaming "Get the fuck out of my house Anne!" before I slammed doors open. There was a complete mess in the kitchen. I saw three empty bottles of beer on the counter and a half empty bottle of vodka in my moms hand. She was standing on top of fallen chair. I looked at the left and saw a known face, aunt Anne. She didn't even try to not smile. She walked up to me and put her hands on my cheeks.

"Lisa baby you grown up since the last time I saw you." she removed her hands from my cheeks and put them around my shoulders and we hugged. I was always wondering how she turned out so..perfect and my mom turned out so....not even close to good! Well a part of that I can thank my father. We were a good family untill he left with that bimbo to Spain after Eric was born. 

"Hi aunt Anne. What are you doing here? You usually come after new years." I asked and went to the counter, taking empty bottles of beer and throwing them in the trash just ignoring my mom mumbling something.

"I decided to come little earlyer this year and well...invite you and Eric to Holmes Chapel with me, you know for the holidays." she, her husband and her son, wich I saw few times in my life when we were little, have a nice house there. Aunt Anne showed me few pictures of it and it looked really lovely. 

"What about mom?" I asked looking at my mom taking a big sip out of the bottle.

"I'm sure your mom would like you two to have a real Christmas this year." 

"Oh shut up Anne and tell her the truth! She is 17 for god sake's. Tell her how you want her and Eric to live with you! How you want to take them away from me and ruin my life even more than it already is ruined!!" she yelled and threw, now empty, bottle on the floor. Glass pieces flew around the kitchen floor.

"Mom, we are not going anywhere, calm down. Come here, I'll take you up to bed." I did the usuall ritual that made her calm down. She put her hand around my shoulder and I carryed her up the stairs to her room and put her in bed. 

"You better be here when I wake up." She mumbled turning to the other side. I whispered something like "Don't worry." and went back down the stairs to the kitchen where I found aunt Anne cleaning up the floor.

"You need help?" She twitched from my voice as she wasn't expecting for me to come yet. "Mom can be hard to deal with sometimes." I leaned and helped aunt Anne with the glass.

"Don't cut yourself ok!?" she said getting up and throwing glass that she got in the trash.

"Don't worry, I've done this before." untill we finished up cleaning we were silent and after we went to the living room where we found Eric sitting on the sofa watching some cartoon. He turned as he heard us walking in and get up from the sofa. Aunt Anne bend down and he ran into her spread arms. We sat on the sofa with aunt Anne across us on the chair.

"Lisa your mom was right. I want you two to come with me back home. I can't stand you beeing here under these conditions." 

"Aunt Anne that is really nice of you, but we can't leave mom. She is what she is, and will be worst if we leave." I said nodding my head left and right so my golden color curls started to jump up and down. 

"I know what you mean Lisa, but wouldn't you like to be somewhere else and have a real family? I will try to get help for your mom, I will do my best, but untill she gets better I would really like you two to come with me." she was now sitting between Eric and me and was holding my hand. "Please Lisa."

"I can't. She..." I just couldn't leave mom here. She will do something crazy and I could lose her forever. She is not the best mother in the world but I love her. I really do.

"Lisa, I will help her." she said like she read my mind and she hold my hand tighter. "I will get her to hospital and she will stop drinking and smoking and doing drugs. I promise you that!" I knew she really was honest about that... "Lisa I know you want the best for her please let me help you."

"Are we going somewhere with aunt Anne?" I saw Eric popping his head behind aunt Anne.

"No. We are not." I said and got up from the sofa and as I did so did Anne.

"Lisa..." I heard her calling my name as I went to the kitchen to make something to eat for Eric. She came right behind me. "Lisa I just want the best for you and you mom and Eric. Why don't you let me help you?!"

"I would let you help me, but not on this way. To go live with you, and your husband and...."

Damn, I couldn't remember my cousin's name >.< 

"Harry." Like she read my mind again. "And they are both expecting me to come with you back home." 

"Well, I don't want to go." I said opening the fridge and getting everything I need to make a spaghetti and cheese. 

"Lisa I beg you, please come with me." 

"Oh just go!" we both turned to the doors that lead from the kitchen to the hallway and saw my mom standing on them. "I'll at least have some sleep when you go." she came to the fridge and took out a bottle of beer and sat on her seat on the table.

"Mom, you have to eat something. I'm making spaghetti and cheese it will be done so..."

"I don't want any of the freaking spaghetti and cheese I want rest! So go pack and go with your aunt where ever!" she took another sip of beer. I knew she didn't mean it, she was just drunk and tired, she didn't know what is she talking about. 

"Mom don't be silly, we are not going anywhere." 

"Get out!" She said emphasizing every word. Anne took my arm and pulled me out of the kitchen. 

"What are you doing?" I asked her when she started dragging me up the stairs. 

"You're gonna pack and we are going." I felt like I lost a war. Mom wasn't that drunk and she was serious about us leaving. I still didn't want to but as I sat on my bed I thought about it a bit better and got to conclusion that she want us out, Anne really cares about us, and it would be better to go with her. But I was still scared about my mom. What will she do when we are gone? What will happen to her now? These questions went through my head the whole time while we were driving from Birmingham to Holmes Chapel. 

Smile- One direction storyWhere stories live. Discover now