Part 20

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Lisa's POV:

AUDITION WEEKEND's far too early for a 17 year old, actually ANYONE, to be up and moving. Why can't it just be like...against the law to get up before 10?!? We got the train to London bright and early on a sunny Saturday morning (Niall, Jane, Harry, Cher, Zayn, Charlotte, Liam, Zoey, Louis and me). It's an audition for the X Factor today. Louis held my hand tightly the whole way there. I could tell he was nervous. He didn't like singing in front of me or his sisters, let alone thousands of people. His hand got really sweaty with nerves but it just made me squeeze it tighter. After we finally got there we joined the back of the line which was like 10 miles long. Actually no...200 miles long!!! We would've had to get here last week to be front of the row. I looked along the line and saw all these people. All these people who wanted to have a job in music. When I was younger I wanted to be a singer. But then I realised what a hopeless dream that is. It's still there somewhere,but deep, DEEP down somewhere. I admire these people. They're not afraid to try for their dreams. This competition really is hard. Out of thousands of people only 1 person wins. I spoke to quite a few people around us. There was a 17 year old girl called Carly who obviously liked Zayn as she couldn't stop talking to him but she was really nice. I talked to her quite a bit. She seemed to like all the same things I did. She was from Bradford which is where Zayn lived years ago. All of a sudden I heard screams. Dermot O’Leary was walking down the line talking to the people in the line.

"Oh wow, what a good looking bunch of boys we have here. Solo act or group?" he asked approaching the boys. I stepped back with the girls so that they could get their few minutes of fame. They talked for a while. Talked about where they live, how old are they, how they all met etc.

"So, quite an oddball group here. It must've been fate for you all to find each other. Are these the girlfriends?" he showed towards the 5 of us hiding slightly behind Louis and Zayn.

"This is my girlfriend, Cher." Harry said confidently throwing his arm around Cher's shoulder and pulling her in tight hug. Yeah they made it official last week. I'm happy for them but Charlotte was pretty upset at first. She's ok now. Even though about making a move with Zayn but didn't do anything yet. "This is Niall's, Jane, Louis', Lisa, wich is my cousin btw. and Zoey and Charlotte are just good friends." Dermot was really nice, really friendly. We chatted for a while until he had to move along and meet other contestants. The line moved quite quickly. We wasted our time playing I Spy and Word Association. I watched the guys get more and more nervous as we got closer to the arena. Niall hummed louder and louder. Harry started to bite on his bottom lip. Louis just stood there cracking the usual jokes in an attempt to lighten the mood. Zayn stood quietly like 'oh yeah I'm sexy and all the ladies love me' (the usual). Liam looked quite confident. He auditioned for X Factor 2 years ago so he's done this all before. He got to judges houses with Simon but he didn't make it to live shows. We were stood backstage where the boys were being briefed on where they had to stand, what they had to say, where they had to go and basically just what they had to do. We had about two minutes before they went on and I could tell they were all bricking it. I grabbed Louis and decided to give him a little pep talk.

"Boo Bear..." Harry got me to call him that, although he didn't like to be called that way I though it was cute so I just ignored him frowining on the sound of his new nickname. " will be fine. You are an amazing singer and I am so proud of you for even coming here. I wouldn't have encouraged you if I didn't think you guys could do it. Everyone back home and at school is rooting for you. Just go out there, sing your little heart out and make your sisters and your mom even prouder than what they already are!" I gave him a quick good luck kiss and before I knew it he was walking up the steps towards the stage.

"I'll see you in a minute." he said looking back and blowing me a kiss. He followed the guys on stage and I heard screams as they went on. Anne, Rob and Eric were in the crowd, just like Louis' family and the rest of the guy’s families. They decided they wanted to see the audition from the crowd so they let us girls come backstage. It was like slow motion. Watching them walk on. Hoping so badly that they do well. I even prayed. And I am NOT a goddy person. Ask anyone! Oh yeah... I forgot to tell you the band name. It was Harry’s idea. 

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