Part 3.

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Harry's POV:

I woke up the next morning to the feel of the sun blazing through the curtains and onto my cheeks, it was way to sunny for a Christmas eve. I lazily swung my legs from the bed, kicking off the sheets and bending down to grab my sweats that had been messily strewn across the bedroom floor. Digging through the pockets, I pulled out my phone, checking the time; 8:37am, way too early to be awake on a Saturday, especially Christmas eve but there wasn’t a chance in hell I’d be able to fall back into a slumber now that I was awake – just another of my annoying habits. Bringing my hands to my face and rubbing my eyes, I let out a loud yawn before finally standing up and making my way out of the bedroom door. As I opened them I saw the doors across the hall beeing opet. I totally forgot about Lisa and Eric beeing here so I got back to the room and put some T-shirt on and then finally heading to the stairs. Slumping down the stairs, I ran my fingers through my messed up curls as I walked across the hall to the kitchen. Just as I was about to open the door, it swung open in front of me, my sight falling on a fully dressed Rob, his jacket slung over his shoulder, keys in his free hand, and a slice of toast in his teeth.

"Where you going?" I asked as he walked passed me. 

"Christmas eve mate, whatcha think?" He was way too cheerful for this early morning. "I'm going to get a Christmas tree with Eric. You wanna come?" I'll pass. 

"Umm, no thanks. Hey is it ok if I go to a party tonight, just to say hi to some people and you know, wish them merry Christmas." I ran my hand through my curls again waiting for him to answer.

"Fine by me but you know you have to ask the boss! She's in the kitchen." he pointed to the direction of the kitchen like I don't live her and know where kitchen is! 

"I'm ready uncle Rob!" I heard Eric yelling from the top of the stairs and then Lisa shh-ing him. I notice that he speak very loud, is it the thing all 5 year olds do or just him!? Anyway I'm glad Lisa did it 'cuz it was an early morning and I really didn't feel like hearing a little boy yelling around the house. 

"Ok, let's go!" Rob yelled, even louder than Eric and gave him his hand and they were out of the doors waving at Lisa and me. This actually was the first time I saw Lisa smiling but the smile vanished as they closed the doors. 

"Morning." She said with again that cold tone, walking pass me to the kitchen I made a weird face behing her back and followed her through the doors. The moment we walked in I saw my mom on full blast. I really don't know what I was so suprised about, she is always like that on Christmas eve, baking, cooking, cleaning. 

"Hi guys!! How was your first night Lis?" she asked her with a HUGE smile on her face, wich I knew was from too much caffeine. 

"It was really good." she smiled back a little bit. What's up with her?!

"Oh Harry hun I need you to pick up somethings from the store for me, will you!?" she asked running to the stove and mixing something, I felt like she wasn't done with her talking, and I was right. "And I was thinking, that you take Lisa with you, and show her the neighborhood." she looked over her shoulder first Lisa and then me.

"Fine with me, I'll just go change." I said walking out of the kitchen and up to my room and putting some jeans on. I got my phone, put it in my pocket, got my keys and went out of the room down to the hall and to the kitchen again. 

"Oh here is the list, and don't let anything miss or you are go back!" she smiled giving me the list. 

"So you going with me?" I asked Lisa and she nodded and went to the hall in front of me. I followed her and we got our shoes and jackets on and went out the doors. A cold and soggy wind hit my face the moment we stepped down from the porch. I put my hands in my pockets and we started walking to the store. It was only few blocks away so this awkward silence won't take long. 

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