Chapter 13 ~ Known Betrayal

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Known Betrayal



I turned my back to my brother. For as long as I could remember I though he'd be on my side. But I guess not. I wanted Tsunehito, despite my brothers orders and I will get what I want. In his blood holds the key to order. I think it's time for me to become what I want and rule.

Walking into my room, Riuza sat on my bed. He was my, lets say, companion. I made him into what he is, my little demon. His eyes raked my body, "Hello Teru."

I smiled threateningly, "Hello." I walked over to him grabbing him by the throat and pinned him to the bed. "Do not become worthless to me, pet."

His eyes widened. "Sire, I didn't know."

"Your tries to keep Asagi away have failed." I glared. "You know what the consequence will be if you fail me a second time."

He gasped, "I'm sorry, sire. It won't happen again."

"It better not." I growled and picked him up, throwing him at the far wall.

He crumpled to the floor on his hands and knees at my feet. "I will try again master. . ."

"Yes." I gripped his hair and looked into his eye where I knew deep fear for his life were held. "You definitely will, pet. I will not be inconvenienced by you again. Now away with you."

He scurried away to his chambers and I watched him go in complete amusement. Victory was so close I could smell it.

Soon I will be king.


I helped Tsunehito to his room and stayed next to him as he regained consciousness. I took a little too much blood from him, but through the act, had him drink my blood. The wound on his head healed nicely and the hair returned.

I stared as he jolted awake, hardly aware of anything happening around him. "Asagi?" He asked confused.

"Yes, I am here." I smiled soothingly.

He reached out a hand and touched the spot on his head where he'd been hurt. "What.. Happened?.."

He was so clueless, but it was cute. "We had a little, brawl with Teru."

"Ah.. Yes." He nods as his memory slowly returned. "I feel different.."

"My blood is running through your veins.." I watched as shock stunned his face. "Your wound was very bad, I had to help you."

His breathing was hectic, and at first I was guessing it was because of what happened, but I was wrong. I got forcefully pushed on the bed. "My skin is on fire, and–"

"You are drawn to me and aroused." I smirked. "Yes, that happens too."

"I need–" he panted.

"Let me help." I gently pushed him back on the bed and lifted his dress with my free hand.

He was in a rush and pushed my hand into his underwear with a blush fresh on his cheeks, "Please. . ."

The sweet scent of desire wafted my nose and I began to work my hand. His moans sounded through out the room, filled my ears with such a beautiful noise. I began to pump him faster as he squirmed beneath me, arching and twisting.

I watched with much satisfaction, the way his body moved and the contortion of his face. I wanted to do more, so much more.

"A..!" He moaned loudly as his hot substance coated my hand and sent shivers up my spine. I watched as he panted and slowly a glow came to his skin and he shined a bright silver, his eyes deep blue. He couldn't see, but I could.

My eyes widened in shock and I pulled away from him like I've been stung. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head at a loss for words. I knew Tsunehito was of vampiric decent, but.. This I did not know. And now I realize why Teru is after him. Tsunehito is know as..

The vessel.


OMGOMGOMG! FINALLY RIGHT~ Yes, I finally updated! Tell me what you think! 


I love you guys! <3

Happy Holidays


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