Chapter 2 ~ Determined

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I watched as he went to his seat. He chose a seat right in front of me, which wasn't good since I was staring at him the whole time. It was really hard to concentrate. The bell for the next class rung and he turned to face me, "Can I walk you to your next class?" he asked cool and collectively.

I shot up from my seat. "No, thank you though." And I practically ran out of the class. I felt his stare on my back as I left the room.

Half of the day passed in a blur, and I was tense. I clasped my books as the bell rang for lunch. I needed some where to think because my mind was in overdrive.Was this a dream, was this really happening? How could this even be possible? I was giving myself a head ache.

I went through the double doors to the courtyard. The sun stung at my eyes as I searched for a spot with shade."Tsunehito." I heard a deep voice rumble. I backed against the tree as I saw Asagi walk closer to me. "You've been avoiding me, I know this must all be confusing to you."

So it really was him. Some how I knew. I looked down and flushed. "You don't have to be embarrassed." He kissed me.

It felt as though my blood was boiling. He deepened the kiss and I felt his excitement brush against my leg. I moaned as he put one of his legs between my own and rubbed my groin. My hands gripped his shoulders tightly and his hand fisted in my hair almost roughly.

He pulled away and his lips traveled down my neck, "A-Asagi…" I tried weakly to push him away. "We have to stop." I said on a gasp as his hand rubbed up my thigh.

"Why? He said and sounded strained, "No one will catch us." 

"Asagi, please…" I said trying to convince him to stop.

He didn't listen. His hand traveled under my dress. He slipped a hand inside my underwear and firmly gripped me. "Tsunehito, you're so hard. Are you sure you want me to stop?"

"Ah…" I panted. "No…"

Suddenly he pulled away, "Kamijo." He growled.

"Asagi, we need to talk." He said and revealed himself from the darkest shadows.

Asagi looked at me in the eyes, stroked my face once with the back of his hand, and walked away with Kamijo. I stayed against the tree as I watched him go, limp and dying with need. 


I felt Tsunehito's stare as I walked away with Kamijo. Kamijo turned to face me and his eyes blazed silver blue, "What are you doing here?" he growled. 

"I love him Kamijo." I said, "You can't protect him forever." My eyes blazed. 

"You're unstable Asagi, you'll hurt him." He said.

"I know what I'm doing!" I yelled. "Why can't you just let me be?"

Silence stretched across the courtyard. Kamijo started to walk away, "If I were you, I would leave." He said over his shoulder. "Their are more people protecting Tsunehito from you, Asagi, not just me." He said and walked through the doors. My anger rose, but i was able to control it.

I will be with my love, they won't stop me.

I smirked and walked through the doors. I saw Tsunehito at his locker, I could tell he sensed me. He looked up and I looked at him, but he quickly looked away and scurried off to his class, his cheeks blazing red. I smiled to myself and eyed Kamijo as I saw him walking behind Tsunehito, unnoticably. He eyed me back, but didn't say a word.

He will be mine, my eyes blazed with lust. 

Playing With Fire [AsagixTsunehito][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now