Chapter 5 ~ Deadly Savior

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Deadly Savior



I could feel myself loosing control as I felt Tsunehito's blood on my hand. I could feel his stare glide across my face, my eyes. I fought to not look down at him, knowing he was remembering that night when I lost control. 

Maybe kamijo was right about me. The urge to find out what he was thinking pressed my mind and I looked down. His bright wide blue eyes bore into mine, asking so many questions I knew I couldn't answer. His mouth, his full pink lips so beautiful. His neckline, the way it dipped perfectly into to his chest, made my mouth water and before I knew it I had him pinned against a brick building.

"Asagi..." he said. His breath tantalizing my nose with such a sweet scent, "My―"

I silenced him with a kiss and felt his heart race against my chest. The sound almost like a classical melody to my ears. Still, he didn't respond. I could feel the fear, and smell his hunger for me.

I backed away, before I took it too far...again, "I am sorry."

I stared as he limped towards me. My eyes widened as his put his arms around me. He never looked in my eyes through that whole process, but slowly it seemed he got the courage to do so. His heart finally beating at a steady pace as he gripped my hair and brought my face to his. His stare was intoxicating as he drifted forward to place his lips on mine.

His eyes softly closed as I kissed him back, and the thick scent of desire awoke in the night air, but he pulled away. "Take me home..." he said, his voice just a whisper.


Asagi picked me up once more an I tried not to hiss in pain. It was very hard not to stare at him. His eyes were still a deep red and they seemed to have brightened after the kiss I gave him. I flushed at the thought. The fear I had of him left me as I took in the look of his face. It was confusing, how I'm not afraid of him now, after all that's happened.


His voice brought me out of my thoughts an I noticed we were at my door. The house was dark so I knew no one was home. He leaned so I could open the door. As we walked in, I never heard his feet hit the carpet, so it was a very silent walk up the stairs.

By knowing what happened that night was true, he needed no guidance to my room. Once there he led us to the bathroom and placed me on the counter top. I turned bright red as he lifted my dress to examine my thigh.

It wasn't as bad as I thought, but his face hardened at the first sight. The dried blood around the cut made my skin look brighter than it actually was. The scar was an angry pink line and was sore to the touch.

I looked at Asagi wondering what was wrong. I was just about to tell him I was okay, but his eyes went red. I shut my mouth quickly and soon enough my heart began to race. His head slowly but surely bent down to my leg. He breath slid across my skin in a cool caress. I felt something warm hit my leg on the scar; it was a stinging sensation that brought tears to my eyes, but soon the pain eased to a soft tingle.

Asagi's breathing was hectic as he pulled away. I looked up at him, into his eyes; they were glowing. I was drawn to look down at my leg, where the dried blood still rested, but the pain and the scar were completely gone.

My eyes widened in wonder, "What―" my voice reverberated off empty walls.

Asagi was gone.

Anger and confusion consumed my heart. I felt tears glide down my face, "Thank you." I said. I jumped down from the counter, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand and got into bed.

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