Chapter 18 ~ Reborn Again

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Reborn Again


Kamijo looked back at me once more, something crossed his features that I wasn't aware of. It was a look I sometimes gave Tsunehito in his dreams when I knew I wasn't going to be able to see him for a long while. I stared into the crystal blue eyes as they seemed to turn brighter in color. 

"My friend. . . We will soon see each other again. I am returning these to you."

How is it that he was speaking, but his lips stayed still. Suddenly I was hit with with an invisible force in my mind. Memories and vivid colors flashed across my eyes. Everything was clear to me now, Kamijo protected me those long years ago. He stayed with me, always on my side. He knew I wasn't the one who destroyed my parents. 

Another force came at me, made me gasp for air. Such power bloomed in my stomach and spread out through my body. Teru sensed it and growled in frustration. 

"Kamijo!" His wings spread but I saw them In a new light. . . Such Evil. 

"Go now. . . Save Tsunehito. . . Take him and prepare yourself."

I looked from Kamijo to my hands, "Yes. . " 

With new found speed, I grabbed tsunehito from the ground, and went out the grand double doors. I knew from the moment I left the Guardians home, what I had to do. I took Tsunehito back to his home, lay him softly in his bed. 

"Mmm.." He groaned.

"Its alright my Love. You are safe."


I looked at my brother sadness settling in me. I didn't think things would end this way. I'm speaking of myself. I knew I wasn't a match for the power he held. At least I was able to see an old friend. Asagi. I gave him his memories back, and with doing so, he was able to unleash the power that was inside of him. He is powerful, even more so than Teru. 

I slowly pointed my sword towards teru. Part of me hoped that I could make it out of this alive to see Asagi and Tsunehito flourish together, But part of me didn't, because I knew I would have to carry the burden of missing my well loved brother. 

"Kamijo, You are weak." Teru swooped down and with one swipe of his hand I was slammed against the wall, leaving an indent in the beautiful granite. "Why would you risk your life for that Vampire?"

I fell to the ground on my knees, and couched blood on the floor. "Because I knew he wasn't the one who's done such horrible things to our society." I stood, "Asagi was something worth fighting and protecting.You, my dear brother where not."

He growled and pulled me by my hair. "You are pathetic."

His fist connected with my face many times, and his claws ripped at my skin. I didn't make one sound, although, I was in so much pain. It was unbearable. "Too easy." He scoffed and threw me against the ground.

I felt my blood seep into my hair, felt my body withering away. I gladly accepted this death I knew was to come. 

I severed my purpose. And now it's up to you Asagi.  

 Stop this madness. 

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