Chapter 11 ~ Wings Of Black

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Wings Of Black



I knew I should have prepared for this. Teru was turning into his true form, and what a scary sight it was for even me. His wings sprouted high, coated with a shiny black. His eyes were black also, while his skin stayed an olive color. He was enraged, and definitely ready for battle. I've never fought his kind before, but I knew I had to for Tsunehito's sake. The way he stood so close to Tsunehito while doing this showed his recklessness and coursed anger through my veins.

He walked forward, smiling, waiting for me to make my move. My eyes, I knew, flared red and I saw as his smile widen taking what I did as a challenged. He was waiting for this moment, planned it. Was I strong enough? I began to walk forward without fear.

Shock was written on Tsunehito's face, "Stop..." He whispered.

Teru kept walking, as did I, "Stop..." He said louder.

Ignoring him, we both prowled around each other, either of us waiting for a move of some kind, but without my notice he slashed out quickly and hit my face.

I hissed in pain as I felt my own thick blood glide softly down face, "Silver..." I realized. The only thing to hurt my kind. 

"That's right," He said and slashed again hitting my me on my chest. He was too fast and blood was escaping me quickly, I needed blood. I collapsed to my knees. 

"STOP!" Tsunehito yelled and ran to Teru. He latched himself on to Teru, trying to stop him.

Teru threw him off and he hit the wall hard, "Silence!" 

A new wave of anger flew through me and it gave me enough power to stand. He was still too quick and before I was able to do anything he had me at the throat, "This is where we say our good bye's Vampire." 


I knew I shouldn't have done this, I could feel Teru's power running through me. Teru was our top guardian, the best we knew. I trained my brother well, but this power was new to me. It was increasing by a ton with each step I took. I hoped that Tsunehito was okay, and for this matter only, Asagi too. I ran with as much speed as I could, and finally Tsunehito's house appeared before me. 

I opened the door quickly, "TERU!" I yelled.

I took in my surroundings and what I saw was tragic. Tsunehito was slumped against the far wall, the smell of his blood scented the air. Teru had Asagi by the throat, Tsunehito weakly gasping out words trying to get Teru to stop. I could see that Asagi wasn't feeding and not as strong as I thought. He was weakly trying to pry Teru's hand from his neck. He was no match for Teru tonight.

"Teru, stop." I say calmly, My voice full of the Council's power, demanding. 

"Kamijo..." He turned his head slightly to look at me. His eyes black, a deep abyss. "I can finish the job, Right now." His voice was demonic. I looked at him confused. What was he? Why did he turn this way? 

Asagi was right about one thing, I didn't know my own brother as much as I thought. He was a danger. "Not tonight," I said, willing my voice not to shake. "We need to go." 

Teru threw Asagi against the wall, barley missing Tsunehito. "We will meet again, Vampire, but next time, I'll finish my job and take what I want." He growled and disappeared. 

My mind raced. With what had happened tonight, I'm not sure what to do with my brother. Part of me wanted to defend him and what he did, but the other part grieved that he has turned into the monster. I walked over to Asagi, "Are you alright?" 

"Yes," His breathing was hectic. "Do you agree now with what I've said Kamijo?"

"Yes," I said and nodded. "But there is still responsibilities, Duties, for what you are. Now there is just more on my plate. I have to conjure up consequences." I shook my head. "For the both of you."

His eyes flared, "I suppose." He said. "I will kill him, Kamijo, For what he's done here." He growled.

I nodded, saddened by his words. "I see," I said. "Teru, he is my brother. You know what will happen, Asagi. Are you sure you are ready to face this?" 

I left the question hanging in the air and left the house. 


I regained a little strength since being thrown on the wall. I turned to find Asagi close to me, leaning his head against the wall. "I tried to help, Asagi." I said as tears streamed down my face. 

He turned to me. His eyes soft, "I know." He said and stroked my face. "Thank you." 

I nodded, "Are you okay?" I asked and took a look at him.

He was a pasty white and his breaths were shallow. The dark rings under his eyes were darker, purple. I shifted my body slowly. My head throbbed, but ignoring the pain, I started to check his body for anything severe. I ripped off the remains of his shirt, my fingers were warm against his skin, he growled low. I found that there were two gashes from Teru's sword. They looked bloody, practically oozing the substance; it was dark, thick. 

I looked into his eyes, worry full on my face, "I am fine..." He said, His face strained. 

I looked down to find that the scars were almost healed, leaving nasty pink marks on his skin. He still looked pained, he should have been up by now. "Asagi, You're paler than usual." I said watching the remaining blood on his body seep into the floor. 

"I need to feed." He said and in that instant I was on the the floor, the carpet soft against my back. His breathing was now hectic on my neck. 


"I am sorry..." He said.

I felt as he bit into my skin. It was warm, and to my surprise, turned me on. I wanted him to take more. A moan escaped my lips. I pulled him closer, tugging on his hair. Soon I knew what was happening,The blood was escaping me quickly, and I began to feel numb. 

"Asagi..." I Gasped, "Stop..." 

I drifted, holding on to the last part of my consciousness. My eyes drifted close.

....Was I dying...?

It was the last thought I had before darkness completely consumed me. 

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