Chapter 17 ~ The Plan

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The Plan


My body hit the tile hard as Teru threw me against it. I curled up, bringing my knees to my chest, wanting  to disappear and never have what was done to me happen again. I was thankful for the coolness beneath me, my body being slick with sweat and burning with tiredness. I panted harshly and tried to open my eyes. My lids were heavy, but I was able to crack them open slightly. Through blurred vision I saw a tall figure with piercing red eyes. My memory was full of foggy thoughts, but who ever was in front of me, I wanted to get closer to. I knew that in this persons arms, I would be safe, I wouldn't hurt any longer. 

"Hgnn. . ." I groaned, my throat dry and scratchy from screaming. My plea was barely a whisper. I wanted to get closer to him, close enough to be held, but my limbs were too weak.

Those eyes stared into mine, but as the figure moved closer to me, Teru's voice roared throughout my ears. It made me cringe in fear. 

"Ah, Ah Vampire. Don't you dare take another step towards him." 

A growl filled the room. "You've already gotten what you've wanted, Give him back to me Teru."

"Oh, I am no where near done with him. He still has power left in him you know." Foot steps echoed closer to me. "Power for me to have later, After you all are destroyed."

Smooth hands touched me making me whimper and shake. "Don't touch him!"

"But look, Asagi. He's practically begging me for more." 

"You've done quite enough touching." He growls. 

"Quiet Asagi." He snarls. "You have no control over him anymore. What is it you are going to do to me?" He Laughs, "Bite me? Drink my blood? You are weak!"

A loud growl bounces off the walls. My body grew weaker as I lay here, Terus cool body above me. I fought hard to keep my eyes open but they shut on their own accord. The sound around me fuzzed, becoming white noise. I was passing out, my breaths coming to me slowly, deeply.

Save me. . . 


I could feel the anger pulsing through Asagi. His eyes were glowing that deep blood red, His hands were bawling into tight fists, so tight you could hear his knuckles crack in the quiet room. He was ready to pounce. But now was not the time. Taking a deep breath, I softly put my hand on Asagi's chest trying to calm him, slightly fearful of the way he would react to one of us touching him. 

"Asagi. . . Now is not the time." I said in a steady voice. 

Laughter bubbled from Teru, "Oh sweet brother. How cute of you." He steps away from Tsunehito spreading his wings wide. "You're protecting him, like you did long ago."

Asagi pushed my hand away and glares, "I don't need protection, Kamijo. What is he speaking of?"

"Ignore him Asagi. Now isn't the time to talk about the past." I say quickly. 

"Then Let me go so I can rip him to shreds." He growls low. "He has to pay for what he's done."

I shake my head and sigh softly. "No. Asagi. Get Tsunehito out of here, and get him safe."

"How do you suggest I do this when he is inches away from Tsunehito and won't let me touch him with out a fight?"

"I will fight him off for as long as I can. Distract him long enough so you can take Tsunehito out of here." I explain. I wasn't sure I was going to make it out of here alive, but now I know who is really the culprit of this whole situation. My brother Teru. For now this is my battle. 

"You're telling me to flee?" His eyes flare, anger straining in his voice. "I am no coward."

"Asagi you aren't thinking. Tsunehito needs to be safe." I growl. Vampires sure are stubborn. "As long as he is here, Teru can draw power from him."

I saw as Asagi's eyebrows knit together in thought before he gave me a slight nod. 

"Asagi are you ready to play with me?" He laughs lightly licking at his lips, "I cant wait to taste your sweet blo-"

"Quiet!" I snarled and stalked towards him, "Your voice is irritating me." 

"Is that so. . . brother." Teru is now face to face with me. I stare deeply into his cold eyes. "I suspect you are the one who is going to try and stop me?"

"Yes, in fact, I am." 

"Very well." He steps back. "You were never one to take my side any how."

"And I am glad for that." I smirked slowly. "You will have even more fun with this battle, won't you?"

He laughs lightly spreading his wings wide, power raging around him. "Indeed I am, I've been wanting to kill you for quite sometime. . ."

I watched him, quite scared of what was going to happen. But I braced myself ready for a fight. As I took my stance, Teru beamed with excitement.

His eyes shined pitch black, and his smile was evil, "Let the games begin!


D: PLEASE DONT BE MAD. . . I uploaded though ;D BUT!. . . Theres only 3 more chapters. ;-; I hope you enjoyed the chapter (I honestly hated it. . . . But I'm trying.) 

Love you guys. 



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