Chapter 3 ~ Red

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After class was over I walked to my locker and waited for Ruiza so we could walk home together. Down the hall I saw Asagi with Kamijo once again. His facial expression startled me; he was angry and so was Kamijo. They looked as though there were agry with each other, having an argument, without the body gestures. 

I was confused and wondered what they could have been talking about. Beside me I saw Riuza approach, "Okay, I'm ready." He was out of breath. "Sorry for taking long."

"It's Okay." I smiled. "Let's go." I took one more glance at the two gentlemen and left the school. Riuza smiled and stepped beside me.

We were on our way to my house, about a block away, and we decided to grabe a bite to eat. The good thing about my home was that it was practically the center of the city; everything was about a block away. 

We stopped at a resturaunt and found a seat outside. "So," he asked timidly, "Are you sure your parents won't mind me staying tonight?"

I drank some water before speaking, "They won't mind." Our waiter came with our food and I dug in, but Riuza was picking at his food. "What's wrong?" I asked concerned. 

He looked up, "What's up with you and Asagi?"

I coughed startled, "Nothing, why?"

He looked down, "Well it's just I can tell you're keeping something to yourself."

I stopped eating looseing my appetite. I felt bad, but what could I tell him? I barely knew things myself. "Let's go." I said and he followed. We were quiet the rest of the time. Once home I showed him to his room and he didn't come out until dinner and once the quiet dinner with my family was over, things didn't change much.

"Good night, Tsunehito." He said at the top of the stairs. His back was turned towards me. 

"Good-" I said slowly, and watched him close the door in my face. "Night..." I said and walked into my room, closing and locking the door. I kept my hand on the door knob and stared at the door for a while thinking of talking to Riuza, but I still didn't have enough courage. 

Slowly I tured around and a startled yelp escaped from my lips. "Asagi?" I asked not sure if it was my imagination. He looked crazed, and his facial features were tight with pain. His eyes. His eyes are what scared me the most. They weren't the deep black eyes I knew; they were red, Blood red. My mind wanted to think it was a trick of light, but something in my heart told me it wasn't. 

His eyes stared deep into mine. I couldn't break my stare and suddenly he was in front of me, pressing my back against the door and it creeked with strain. His hand fisted in my hair and he roughly moved my head to the side exposing my neck to him. My breathing was hectic as he licked my pulse. I bit my bottom lip to keep from moaning. I knew this was wrong, very wrong.

I felt a pinch and hissed in pain, what was happening to me? When he pulled away I saw the glint of blood on his lips. I shook with fear as I touched my neck and felt the slick substance. I looked at my hand covered with blood and started to scream, but before I did he had a hand on my mouth muffling my sounds of terror. He carried me to the bed and placed me down. I saw in his eyes, regret. "Sleep." He said and I felt my eyes get heavy, and soon I was drifting through darkness.

I felt a push on my shoulder and shot up from the bed screaming. "Tsunehito!" Ruiza said. I looked at him terrified. I had no idea why I was like this.

"Are you okay?" He asked pulling me into a hug. So I was forgiven. 

"I think so…" I said, pulling my hand up to feel my neck and found it sore.

"It was just a bad dream." He said soothingly.

"Yeah, a bad dream…" I said still rubbing my neck.

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