Chapter 4 ~ Forced Reality

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Forced Reality



The week passed with me in a daze. I didn't see Asagi at all. It was even hard to talk to Ruiza with me wracked with fear. He decided to let me alone to deal with whatever I had to, and by that I knew I was distancing myself; I was pushing him away and I didn't know what to do.

It was finally Saturday and I could rest and be alone. I haven't been able to sleep since that day I had the first nightmare of Asagi, if it really was a nightmare. I touched my neck and slowly slid from the bed to stand. I decided to take a shower and walk around for a few hours outside, try to clear my mind. I got dressed in my favorite long black dress and wore my hair straight. I grabbed a book off my shelf to read and walked out the door.

The sun was brutal. It was hot, but the air wasn't muggy as it usually was. I started to walk, my heals clacking on the pavement with each step. The further I walked the calmer I got. I saw an alley way and walked down it to get to the park that was at its end. The trees were in full bloom, filled with white flowers of some sort. They casted a full shadow over the park, creating enough shade to keep away the harmful rays of the sun. There was one tree oddly filled with red flowers and I decided to sit under that one. I carefully sat on the soft grass and began reading my book. The sun had shown through the leaves and cast a beautiful almost dreamlike cast on the pages.

For some reason this made me think of Asagi. I placed the book on the ground and lay in the grass. I looked up at the sky and at how the leaves rustled in the warm breeze. Soon I found myself drifting off to sleep.


I awoke with a flashlight in my eyes, the harsh light bringing water to them. "Hey! Wake up!" a man said.

"I'm sorry?" I said putting my hands in front of my eyes.

"This park is closed, you need to leave." He said.

"Yes, sir." I got up from the ground, grabbed my book and began to leave.

The night was cool and filled with stars, but they weren't bright enough to guide me back from where I came. I searched for the moon and when I found it I saw that it was new. I walked blindly into the alley and I bumped into what seemed like a person. "Excuse me." I said holding my book tighter to my chest.

"Well look what have we here?" he said. "Hello, beautiful."

I looked up to the sound of the man's voice and saw his now shadowed face. He roughly grabbed me and threw me against the wall. The air was knocked out of me and I dropped my book. I tried to reach for it, but I was stopped by a clammy hand grabbing my face.

"Now, " He said and something cold touched my leg. A knife. "I'm going to ask you to stay calm. Don't scream or some really bad things will happen to that pretty face of yours."

I stayed still, waited, and left my scream in the base of my throat. The guy smelled of beer and sweat. I tried my hardest not to gag. I felt the knife slowly slide up my thigh and I tried my hardest not to make any sudden moves as the brick wall scraped against my back. He applied pressure to the knife and I clenched my teeth in pain as he made a cut down my leg. I felt the blood glide down as tears began to well in my eyes. The man laughed with glee that he was causing me pain. 

"Get off of him." a familiar voice growled.

"Who the fuck are you?" the man yelled.

"Your worst nightmare…" He said and before I knew it the man was gone. Screams of terror filled the alley and echoed densely off the brick walls. I flinched at the sound of breaking bone and soon the screaming stopped. I heard a shuffle in the darkness. I tried to scamper away, but my leg wouldn't let me; The pain too intense for me to move.

"Tsunehito…" he said. "Are you okay?"

Even though I knew it was Asagi, I was still afraid.

He began to stroke my face when I didn't answer, "Tsunehito?" he said firmly.

My voice shook as I spoke, "I'm fine."

"Can you walk?" he asked.

"It hurts…" I answered.

Suddenly I was lifted off the ground and a startled gasp escaped from my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'll get you home." He said and started to walk.

We were down the alley and I dared a look at Asagi. My nightmare was reality; I shook in fear as I saw Asagi's eyes, They were red...Blood red. 

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