Chapter 9 ~ Forbidden Act

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Forbidden Act



I've  been watching Tsunehito for a long while. He's always been happy, enjoying the best talks with Ruiza, but today he was different. He was detached, stressed, and full of sadness. Asagi should have listened to me. He was hurting him, and by now he should know that this shouldn't have happened.

I watched as Asagi shifted through the shadows and appeared before me. Blood streaked his face, his eyes were blood red, hair wind blown and his face so drawn and sunken in that he almost looked his natural age.

"I told you to stay away." I said and he glared.

"I don't take orders from a gaurdian." He stated. 

"I see," I glared back. "You're hurting him, Asagi." 

"You are good at stating the complete obvious, Kamijo." He said sternly. 

A smirk played at my lips. "What are you going to do?" I asked. 

If he had any kind of emotion running through him, he masked it. "I do not know," He said quietly. "But I am not here to talk about me." 

"Then what are you here for?" I said, my voice hard. 

"I am here to tell you to keep Teru away from Tsunehito." 

"And why should I do that?" I crossed my arms loosely looking him square in the eyes.

"Even though you are brothers, Kamijo, you know absolutely nothing about him." He said and anger boiled in me. He stepped closer to me, his height towering over mine. "Leave him alone."

"Tsunehito makes his own choices, Asagi, I just watch and make sure he's safe."

He laughs without humor and shakes his head, "Looks as though you need to start doing your job." He shifts and moves away into the shadows, disappearing. 

Rage boils in my blood and I walk away steadily. What does he mean by me not knowing my brother, and needing to start doing my job?


My mind was numb. I wanted to speak to Asagi, but I was afraid of what his reaction was going to be. I wanted to know what he was hiding. 

I stumbled through the halls, pasting a smile on my face, hiding my true sadness. The day passed by and I was finally home. I trailed up the stairs and crossed the path to my room to find Asagi on my bed sitting casually. 

"Why are you here?" I asked harshly, although my heart thudded at the sight of him. 

"Tsunehito," He said quietly. "Do you believe in hell?"

Taken aback I looked at him with wide eyes, "Yes, I do." 

"Do you believe certain kinds of demons exist?" He asked timidly. 

"Yes.." I said with a small voice. "Asagi, what's gotten into you lately?" I asked with a shaken voice. 

His eyes glow a bright red. "What do you suppose I am?" He asked, his eyes boaring into mine. He cut me off before I could muster up any words, "You think I'm human?" I shook my head.

No, but I did think he was acting crazy! Did he really think he was something super natural? "Asagi..." I sighed. "Things like that don't exist." 

He looked at me, the red in his eyes deepening. "Surely you dont believe that." He stated and stood. "You do remember that night, don't you?"  

The night passed in my head and the breath caught in my throat. "This was what you were keeping from me, That you're some sort of a Vampire?"

"Yes." he nodded watching me closely. And after a moment I believed him, not that he compelled me to or anything, but to the fact that nothing else explained the seriousness in his eyes.

So, my question has finally been answered, Asagi is a... Vampire...

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