Chapter 12 ~ The Council's Order

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The Council's Order



Slowly I walked back to the Guardian home. Teru was there waiting, but I knew I wasn't ready to face him. The secret entrance misted in front of me, Huge double doors with the inscription of Angels on them. With a sigh I walked through. I found that I've missed my home, The great marble walls, lined with gold, and covered with hunter green vines to tie everything together; we had Chinese vases all around us full of red roses.

The grand table with the Guardians sitting around them was our centerpiece. Their royal costume was a bit much for me, but who could blame them for their age. I was the lead of the Guardians, being the wisest of the present and the past, and the oldest out of thirteen. I took a seat at the front of the table. The seat beside me was empty. To my left is where my brother Teru sat, but I had a feeling that he was sulking in his room. I had my suspicions of him as well as Asagi. 

 My eyes felt tired and stressed as I looked at the council. Their voices fell, but one spoke up, "You should have let Teru kill Asagi, Kamijo." 

"His powers are diminishing, I'm sure you can all feel that." I said and eyes turned toward me, "If Teru keeps acting like the child he is, Asagi's power could return again."

A pair of hands slammed on the table, "Are you taking the side of a Vampire?" He asked his voice stressed with anger, "The Guardians are meant to contain them, more or less, destroy them. Their kind is an abomination to this world."

My eyes turned cold. I had to stick up for him, "So what if I did side with a Vampire?" Gasps broke out in the room. "You say they are an abomination. Why can't you just say you fear them? You all are feeling fear in yourselves. There are only thirteen people in our council, Vampires are soon to rise again and finish the job, we can stop that. Not by fighting fire with fire, But with finding a way to coexist. There is still a chance that Asagi didn't do what Teru has claimed."


Long ago, we found that the Vampire king and queen, Lilith and Alexander had a child of their own. The council was shocked at the news and wanted to rid of the child and the parents. How could this be that Vampires could bear children? I was the only one to stand and try to reconcile with the other guardians, that it wasn't wrong, but I was overruled.

Chaos, is how I can explain it. Humans began to find out about vampires. We don't know who leaked about it, but we had to go through many years of people believing that, so we said it was a myth, just an old story of some kind. There was still an uproar and more deaths began happening. Before we knew it, Teru came running into our home, blood sprayed on his clothing, saying that the King and Queen were dead and the child had fled.

As we went out searching, I was the one to find Asagi. He was just a small thing, but he was packed with as much power as Teru, our top guardian. Surprise took me as he could also be bathed in sunlight and not burn to ashes. It was a wonderful sight. Breaking our rules, I told him to run that only I would know where he was, that he could trust me and I would help him.  I've watched him grow, become what he is today, containing that power, But the council somehow found out that I was helping someone and I had to stop before they suspected who it was. 

On that last day he told me something, He said, "Kamijo, I want him."

At that time he wasn't born, But he was speaking of Tsunehito. He told me he could see him in his dreams since the day he was born. I don't know how that was possible. I felt heart ache after having to erase his memory from day one. He could never know of the past. 


I rubbed my temples gently as I tried blocking out my thoughts. Murmurs rose in the air and my brother walked in. He looked at me, and evil look crept on his face. What have I done?.. Why didn't I sense this in him before?.. Something wasn't right.

"What do you want me to do, Kamijo?" He said his voice was forced to be calm.

"Nothing," I said, but didn't look at him. "We will do the rest, Thank you for what you've already done, brother."

With that he walked away. I could have sworn I heard him whisper the words, "I Will get what I want." Maybe my ears deceived me, but I had a feeling that Teru was up to something.

What has this come to?

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