Chapter 8 ~ Secrets

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After leaving Tsunehito's house with the desire for his blood, I thought it might be a good thing to stay away, at least, at a distance until I gained control. I didn't go to the school and stayed hidden in the shadows.The day after saving Tsunehito, he went to a club called "Forever". I remember the anger that boiled in my veins, the way he clung to Kamijo's brother. He was smiling and happy, but my eyes flared red. I wanted so much to take Tsunehito away. Teru wasn't of my kind, nor Kamijo's. It seems like Tsunehito was a magnet for the underworld.

It was time to make a reappearance.


I watched as Teru made his way down the sidewalk. I was saddened that he had to leave, but it was getting late. My heart and my mind were confused. From just knowing Teru this little amount of time, I yearned for him, but Asagi was in my soul too. His secrets are keeping him away and the thing is, I can tell.

I turned to walk to the edge of my bed an breathed a sigh. What was wrong with me?...

"Tsunehito..." I heard a voice behind me whisper.

I turned startled but expected it to be Asagi, "You have to give me a warning before you just decide to pop up!" My heart thudded against my chest with anger, yet it was happy to see him. His face looked amused, I glared. 

"What do you want Asagi?" I crossed my arms. He smiled and stepped forward. I took a step back, and was flush against the railing of my bed.

"You're afraid." he scowled; it was more to himself than towards me. His face changed dramatically as he took in a breath. "He was here..." his eyes flare red.

How could he know someone, if anyone was here? "Who?" I asked

"Teru." he growled and pierced me with a stare.

I looked away trying to be indifferent, but looked back out of curiosity and in his expression I saw genuine sadness; it startled me. "Tsunehito..." he said and stepped closer once more. "I need you to stay away from him."

"Why?" I asked puzzled, why should he care if I was with someone else?

"Just stay away.." he said sternly and turned his back to me.

Anger flared in my heart, "You never tell me anything Asagi!" I yelled.

He quickly turned around and had me pinned against my bed frame; it almost seemed like he blurred. "There is a reason for that." he said, anger prominent in his voice; like a growl.

"Why can't you just trust me?" I asked, my voice a whisper.

"It is not about trust..." his eyes filled with frustration.

"Then what is it?" I was calm, controlling my anger, suppressing it.

"I can not say." he turned slowly and faced to window.

"Damn you Asagi!" I yelled. "Is it always going to be like this between you and I? Am I always going to be left in the dark?" Tears streamed down my cheeks.

He looked pained in my blurred vision. He grabbed my face and turned it towards his. Did he know how much pain he was putting me through?

"I am sorry." he said and bent to kiss me.

I turned my face away, "Sorry..." I repeated. "It isn't good enough."

I turned my body away and he stood there frozen. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his hands clench and unclench. He stepped back towards the window with out a word.

Fully turning my back on him, I felt a cool breeze and I knew he had left.

Was he gone forever?

Playing With Fire [AsagixTsunehito][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now