Chapter 6 ~ An Alluring Mystery

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An Alluring Mystery



"Tsunehito?" I heard his voice through my nightmare.

"Asagi?" confusion rang in my voice.

"You are safe, it's all a dream." he said soothingly. "I am sorry I put you through this..."

I saw his pale face through the murky darkness. Looking deeper I found that it was blood, and it was warm around my ankles."Asagi what's happening?" fear racked my voice and I was trembling.

"I am sorry." he repeated and his voice faded away.

I awoke with dried tears on my face. My eyes were sore and my head ached. Rubbing my head I arose from my bed feeling numb, and nothing but an empty shell. I decided to call Ruiza and tell him everything. I didn't want to loose him as a friend. I picked up the phone on my bedside and dialed his number.

"Hello?" his soft voice rang through.

"Ruiza, can you come over?" I said on the verge of tears.

There was a pause, "I'll be right over." The phone clicked to dial tone.

The phone slid from my fingers and landed on the ground with a soft thud. My eyes stung with tears and I tried hard to not let them fall, but sure enough they fell silently, making a pool on my thigh. The door bell brought me from my thoughts and I ran to the door.

Ruiza took me in his arms, "Oh my, Tsunehito. What's wrong?"

"Everything.." I said as sobs escaped me. My tears soaked into his coat.

He held me tighter, "What happened?" I stepped away and took his hand. I explained everything about Asagi, from the episode in my room, the way he saved me in the dark alley, and how he made my scar disappear.

It was quiet after my ramblings. Ruiza shook off his coat, walked and slowly sat down on the couch. His face looked thoughtful and yet he trembled as if he were just as afraid as I was.

I sat down next to him as he began to speak, "Tsunehito, I think you should stay awak from him." he looked me in the eyes. My heart shattered. I thought he would say that, but for some reason I couldn't fathom being away from Asagi and I don't think he would even try to stay away from me. "He sounds dangerous." he placed his hand on my shoulder. "I don't want you to get hurt."

I was able to conjure up a smile, "Thank you."

He smiled widely, "You're welcome." he looked down at his watch, "Hey, what are you doing later?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm free."

"You want to go to a club with me?" he asked happily.

"Sure, maybe that'll clear my mind." I smiled.


Later that night I was ready to party. I was in an all red dress and I actually thought I looked pretty good. I heard Ruiza's car outside and with one last look, I was out the door.

"So, what is this club we're going to?" I asked

"It's a new one called, 'Forever'." he said and smirked.

I smiled. This should be fun. I pushed Asagi aside in my mind once we pulled into the parking lot. I smelled the sweet perfume of girls, and the masculine scent on the men stepping into the dark club. The vibe was amazing and intoxicating and I fell into the step of dancing, hearing the bass of the drum and feeling it against my heart. Ruiza took my hand and led me to the dance floor. We laughed and had lots of fun joking around. The music began to slow and I saw Ruiza take a guys hand and start dancing.

I stood in the middle of the dance floor alone. The darkness settling around me like a blanket and the music a background sound. The lights around me slowed becoming a wonderful aurora. I was about to go sit and take a breath, but someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to see a beautiful set of blue eyes that seemed to change green. He was very pale and had silver and black hair that was long against his shoulders. He reminded me of someone I knew, from a long while ago, but I couldn't think of anyone.

His smile was dazzling and it shined and beautiful white. "Would you like to dance?"

"Yes.." I said mesmerized by his voice, so alluring.

"Good." he said and pulled me close. The way he moved sent tingles along my skin, traveling in thick waves.

It felt like hours, we stood there and danced. His body so close to me, his heat and scent melding with mine. Ruiza had whispered in my ear that we needed to go. To my surprise I was saddened by this. I didn't want to leave, I wanted to stay here with this mysterious person.

My personal get away from Asagi.

"Are you going to be here tomorrow night?" he whispered softly.

"Maybe." I said and smiled. I was amazed by my confidence.

"Remember my name." he said and whispered in my ear. "Teru..."

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