Chapter 10 ~ Guardian Of the Night

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Gaurdian Of The Night



Tsunehito now knows what I am. I am hoping that will keep him away from Kamijo's brother, Teru. The curiosity burned within his eyes and with that gave me more hope. For the moment we have no secrets between us. His heart thudded steadily; he wasn't as afraid as I though he would be which was very surprising. I wondered what he thought of me. I stood to leave the room, It looked as though he was in shock as realization set in. 

"I'm going to leave and let you think about everything that's happened." I walked forward to the bed room door. 

"Wait, " He said and I stopped. "Will you come back to me?" He asked and his voice held a tint of sadness. 

"As long as you still wish me to come back, Tsunehito." I said knowing this was a lie, I would still be here even if he didn't want me here at all. 

"Asagi..." His voice a soft whisper. I turned around to face him and found him walking towards me. He kissed me, softly, but it was raging with passion. Desire flared within me. "I'll see you soon." and with that said, I left. Things would definitely change form this point on. 


"What have you done, Asagi!" I said enraged at the words he spoke. "You know this was against the rules!"

"I've told him nothing, Kamijo." He said calmly.

"The point is," I paused to calm my anger. "He knows, Asagi." 

"I don't see a problem." he said. 

"He's human." I said. "No human is supposed to know of the underworld." 

"He is technically apart of it by blood." He looks me dead in my eyes. "He's the only one oblivious to that fact, but I have kept my promise. He knows nothing of himself, just what I am."

My eyes widened. How could he know that of Tsunehito? Well, That is naive of me to doubt this Vampire. I was surprised his memories aren't fully back, but did he know how much danger he was putting Tsunehito through?

"I know pf the dangers, Kamijo." He said sternly. "I can protect him." 

"Can you protect him from yourself, Asagi?" I asked. 

He looked away. "I can control myself." He said but his voice was unsure. One day he will have to prove himself, and I fear that day is approaching fast. 


The sun was setting behind the clouds and at that moment I knew that Asagi wasn't coming back, not tonight. I walked away from the window just as the phone began to ring. I thought it was Ruiza and hurried to the bedside to grab the phone. 


"Hey, Tsunehito." A cool voice said. It was a calm deep rumble; I knew it was Teru. I never remember giving him my number. I wonder how he got it. 

"Teru?..." I said a little shaky. "What's up?"

I heard him cough and then he spoke. "Yeah, I was wondering if I could stop by for a few."

"Sure, Are you alright?" I asked concerned. 

"Yes." He said and hesitated, "I'll be over soon." 

I went down stairs to wait for Teru. I cleaned up a little while the time pasted. I had to admit, I was a little scared for what was to come. I didn't know why, but I had a bad feeling. Maybe I shouldn't have told him to come here. I thought that Maybe I should call him back, but I heard a knock at my door. 

I went to go answer the door and Teru walked through. "Hey." 

"Hey," He said his voice a mixture of sadness and anger. "We need to talk." 

The smile on my face faded and I watched him as he walked around the living area. "About?" 

"You know Asagi..." He started. "Is really dangerous." 

How did he know Asagi? 

I watched him as he walked to the couch and took a seat. "What do you mean?" 

He looked at me curiously. "Vampires are a very dangerous kind." He said. "I came here to warn you of a few rules." 

"I don't know what you're talking about, Teru." I said heading for the kitchen. 

"I know you know what he is, Tsunehito." He stated and I stopped in the doorway. 

"It was against the rules for him to do what he did." 

"What rules?" I asked. 

"The ones the council created. They created a set of rules for certain Vampires such as Asagi." He chuckled to himself. "I bet he never told you that, how predictable." 

I glared. "What do you mean?"

"Us gaurdians." he said matter of factly. "We basically protect humans from dangerous vampires, That's Asagi." 

"I don't believe you." I whispered.

"You don't have to." He stated and I heard him move off the couch. I turned to find him right behind me, his lean frame overwhelmed mine. "As a guardian, I'm here to protect you from danger." He paused. "Whether you like it or not."

My heart skipped a beat as he leaned in closer to kiss me, but he stopped. I heard him growl, "Asagi..." On his face held a menacing smile. "I knew you would come." His eyes turned completely black.

I held back a scream.   

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