Chapter 7 ~ Deceiving Sea Green Eyes

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Deceiving Sea Green Eyes



I was tired once I walked through the door of my home. Slipping into bed was an easy thought, but I couldn't get my body to rest. It was still tingling from the moments with Teru. There was something about him, something he was hiding well, just as asagi. I lay in bed wide awake rethinking of the dance we had, how he moved. It brought a smile to my face. Soon my eyes began to close and I fell asleep. I didn't dream of asagi this night, instead of sea green waters, like Teru's eyes.

I awoke well rested, but noticed that I had missed school. Turning my head I glanced out the window. The sun was hidden behind heavy rain clouds. With a big sigh I removed myself from bed and got dressed. I wore casual clothes; jeans and a T-shirt. I braided my hair in a long pony that laid against my back.

Grabbing my keys I walked out the door. The air was cool without the sun, and had a muggy feel to it. The wind bit at my shoulders, but I didn't notice. I walked down the sidewalk in a daze. I was in my own world taking in the scenery around me.

Not watching where I was going I bumbled into someone, "I'm sorry." I said and looked up. It was Kamijo and beside him was Teru. "Oh, Kamijo." I said shyly.

"So, you skipped too?" he asked.

I smiled, "Yeah, that place gets crowded sometimes." Kamijo never really talked to me, but this was nice, I liked talking to him.

"You know each other?" Teru asked.

"Yes, from school." he said. "Tsunehito this is my brother, Teru."

He looked at me and smiled. Turning to Kamijo, "Brother, I think I want to stay with Tsunehito for a while."

I smiled and flushed, but Kamijo looked at him sternly, "Remember what I said, Teru."

"Yeah, yeah..." he said and took my arm. "Let's go." Even in dull weather, teru looked striking. I couldn't keep my eyes away from him. He was beautiful.

"Where do u want to go?" he asked. I shrugged at a loss for words.

Chills broke out against my skin as the wind became more harsh. We turned a corner and stepped inside a small cafe. Teru cautiously wrapped his arms around me. He was warm and I found myself clinging to his body.

"Better?" he asked.

I blushed, "Yes, thank you."

He smiled. "While we're here, do u want something?"

"I have no money with me..." I looked down.

"Don't worry." he said and pulled me into a seat.

We laughed and talked for a while about us. It actually all seemed very normal, each of us taking turns on asking questions. It was amazing at how comfortable I was around him. I wanted to tell him of Asagi, but I thought against it.

I started to hear rain patter on the rooftop, "We should go." I grabbed his hand and led us out the door. The rain was cold a it hit my skin.

Teru looked at me in concern, "Are you going to be alright?"

"Yes," I smiled. "My house is only a block away."

I saw a faint blush rise on his face as we started for my house. Once we got there we were soaked. My hair fell a loose and stuck to my face. I felt his stare on me as we traveled up the stairs to my room. I opened the door for him and he walked through quietly. Deja vu ran through me as I got placed against the back of my door. I felt terus body mold to mine and the beat of his heart racing against my chest. Why did he feel so familiar to me?

"Tsunehito.." he whispered and clasped my hair into his hands.

My heart raced as he gently kissed me once. We barely knew each other, and I felt distressed. How could I be okay with this, Asagi is the one for me. . . 

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