Chapter 19 ~ Playing with fire

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Playing with fire


Pain shot through my being as I felt Kamijo's life wither and fade completely. Anger made its way to the surface, but I did everything to control it. Putting Tsunehito softly on the bed, I leaned and kissed his forehead lightly. I knew what was going to happen next. I was prepared this time. That honed power with in me, completely set free. But I also knew what I would lose.  

I looked over Tsunehito once more. I would keep him safe. I will not let Teru put his hands on him ever again. This time I wouldn’t put him through any danger. I hope he would always remember me, considering I didn’t know what was to happen after this battle.

I leaned down, pressing my forehead to his, “My love, I hope to see you again someday.”

With that I rose, and went down to the front door. Opening it slowly, Teru awaited me.

“At long last. I will take what truly belongs to me.” He snarled.

I laughed lightly, “The only true thing that belongs to you, is the death that I will make you submit to. Let’s end this shall we?”

With a growl Teru charged at me and we began our last battle. A fight to the death. I’ll teach him what it is like to play with fire.


-10 years later-

Finally I finished moving into my new apartment. It was a great living space, big enough for all of my clothes. I had dresses everywhere, being a part time model and all I had to have these sort of things. I cleaned the last little place and sat down on the couch, it was a shame I still had to go to school. I was tired.

After a short breather I stood and shifted through my closet for something to wear. I came across a red and black dress.

“Oh, I remember this.”

I looked about the form of it and smiled from the memories. It was a tragic time in my life, I could still remember the last time I saw him. Pain incased me as I remembered his last goodbye.

I shrugged and looked through more. I dressed in a simple black gown and hurried down the steps and into my car to start the first day back into college. I smiled at everyone as I walked in proud and tall. Everything thing was a bit different now, but the big move was something else. Moving all the way to japan was hard. It was very fun though.

I sat in the room, doodling slightly on my notebook as everyone piled in. Whispers where being spewed about and I tried my best to ignore them, this school was all about talk.

As the instructor walked in, he spoke loudly, “So there’s a bit of a plan change.” Students hushed their talking as he continued, “Since we have someone new coming in, we have to go over part of what we’ve learned last semester.”

New? . . . I thought that wasn’t allowed here. Suddenly the door opened. My eyes went wide and a gasp escaped my lips.

Tall, long inky black hair, it came to the middle of his back, pale, but beautiful. . . 

His black eyes searched the room and finally found mine, just as that day in high school.

“Asagi . . .” I whispered, and although no one else could hear me, I knew he could.

Slowly he walked over to me, after his introduction and smiled softly. “Tsunehito. I have returned, my love.”

                                                     And with that, their story ends how it began.



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