12 - Astronomy Tower

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With a drink in my hand i looked out the stars. One hand bringing the drink to my lips while the other holds the black cold railing. We all needed a distraction after our pre owls today. Our heads were ready to explode if you didn't have a break and it was only Tuesday.

Theo and Blaise were beyond gone with the muggle herb Pansy would bring. They said that they could touch the stars and they were hot. They would also point at constellations and said they would form out something way different than what it actually was.

Blaise said the Draco constellation was a rat and Malfoy didn't take that well. He took a lot of pride into that constellation. He almost grabbed Blaise and threw him off the tower but he obviously knew better than to kill one of his best mates. At least he has that common sense unlike me.

Pansy soon left she said she had homework but we knew she was lying she wasn't a good lier. I knew if Theo was sober and would remember he would not stop teasing her about her mysteries doings.

" Mate what if we go to the Ravenclaw tower the chicks there are wild and the head they give is the best you'll get" Blaise said to Theo as he threw his arm around his shoulder. I rolled my eyes at Blaise's statement but Blaise was Blaise and he was one horny motherfucker.

" Oí good head you know i can never pass on that lead the way my friend see you later besties" Theo said as he and Blaise almost ran out the tower to go get their "amazing" head from the Ravenclaw girls. I chuckled and sent them a small wave. I looked to my side and see Malfoy also with a smile on his face.

" You don't smile often" I told him while i laid down looking up towards the sky. I looked mostly at the moon it was a full moon. The moon and the earth were best friends without the moon the earth would be a disaster and would fall apart. Without the earth the moon had nothing to shine its bright lights on only the dark mysterious universe who wouldn't give a fuck about a small rock in space. The earth did give a fuck about the moon and the moon gave a fuck about the earth. They were apart by billions of miles but still relied on each other for their source of happiness and light. Maybe one day i could find someone to be my moon and i could be the earth or vice versa.

" So you look at me" He asked leaning on one of the pillars with an empty drink in hand. I rolled my eyes but a small smile formed on my lips. " Sometimes don't get too cocky you just happen to be in my way while i look at things" I could feel his smirk from where i was laying.

" Come here" I said patting the empty space next to me i don't know if it was the alcohols running through my veins but he's company made me feel weird inside like warm. It was nothing serious not a real feeling since he still was a jerk but he had his good times. To my surprise i heard his foot steps come closer. He squat down then laid next to me a little closer than i had expected.

" Which one is your favorite" He asked looking at the stars " Perseus yours?" Ive always liked the Perseus constellation i would always be able to see it from the manor it was the first constellation i ever learned about. " Cassiopeia it's beautiful and very bright" I knew he wasn't talking about me but the constellation so u just hummed in response and continued to look at the sky

" That name matches you Cassiopeia it's not very common to see the constellation but when it comes out it brightens up the sky with it's beauty which is like you, you don't shine a lot but when you do it's beautiful"After he finished i looked to my side and saw a smile on his face as he was proud of what he said.

I was in complete awe Malfoy had just complemented me and we stayed near each other but this time it wasn't to rip our throats out. His words made me heat up, he had said i was beautiful. I knew he would go back to being a jerk tomorrow once he was sober and not remember a single word he said but i would. His words were like knives trying to puncture my heart but they were not strong enough.

" Why thank you i'm truly stunned" He laughed and reached his hand reached out for mine and grabbed my hand pointing at a constellation. " See it's bright tonight" I put my hand down and looked at the constellation. " So what's up your sleeve because you are being extremely friendly and that is not like you - at all" He laughed and went on his side his elbow holding up up. " I can't be nice"

" No you can but not to me" He moved closer to me so now he had a direct look at my face. I looked up and looking into his eyes. The moon light reflected in them making them shine brighter. They were absolutely mesmerizing.

" There is something about you that i absolutely hate but there is another part of you that drives me crazy Cassiopeia" His eyes flicked from my eyes to my lips. With his free hand he flicked off some hair that was near my eye.

" You are unreal" He pushed himself to me and smashed his lips against mine. It was soft his lips were cold but mixed perfectly with my warm ones. My lips parted slowly letting the kiss get a little deeper. His mouth attacked mine a little harder he took my top lip with his lips and bit it carefully . He pushed his tongue against my mouth in sign to let him in - i did. Our tongues fighting for dominance as our lips moved perfectly together. I used one hand to grab a hold of his cheek and the other behind his neck. We were both running out of breath but we didn't want to pull apart from each other. The euphoric feeling in my body was making me crave more of him.

He was a rude boy who only cared for himself. He had a disgusting prejudice way of thinking. He was very ignorant and self centered but that was the Draco everyone knew the Draco that was attacking my mouth and complementing me was a different boy. Maybe he was my moon.

More Cassiopeia and Draco coming the toxic ness if about to get real and the s m u t ...

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